Hey all,
Where as the US XC& base stn combination doesn't work in Canada, anyone know if this extends to 3060s? Put another way.. will a 3060 from a US system work on a Canadian system?
I answered my own question. It is as simple as 'if the base stations use a different frequency so do the 3060s'. Canadian 3060s use the 900 MhZ area and the U.S. uses something different.. I think it is higher. The UTAM stuff and the spectrum alocation system in the U.S. is SOOOO different.
FWIW, the Companion stuff in the US operates in the unlicensed PCS frequency block. I think its 1920-1930MHz. Found this out the same hard way as executone British base stations also differ.
Wonderful tradeoff, you get all the UTAM hassles and licensing requirements but a better range. And up in Canada we get a really lousy range but we can just keep adding phones and base stations to our heart's content
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