I have created 1 report with 2 subreports. This report displays YTD Totals, MTD Totals and QTD Totals.
Problem: I have one column heading that I need to be changed depending on which view the customer is trying to get -- if they are viewing the MTD Totals, I want them to see the label MTD - but if they are viewing YTD Totals - I want that to be displayed.
I do not want to create a parameter that asked whether the customer wants MTD,YTD or QTD --- I want to automatically provide them all views -- but I am simply unable to change the page heading for the subreports.
I have created 1 report with 2 subreports. This report displays YTD Totals, MTD Totals and QTD Totals.
Problem: I have one column heading that I need to be changed depending on which view the customer is trying to get -- if they are viewing the MTD Totals, I want them to see the label MTD - but if they are viewing YTD Totals - I want that to be displayed.
I do not want to create a parameter that asked whether the customer wants MTD,YTD or QTD --- I want to automatically provide them all views -- but I am simply unable to change the page heading for the subreports.