I'm trying to export data to Excel. I cannot use TransferSpreadSheet because I have to highlight certain cells that contain data. I'm using latebinding but am getting similiar results when I use early binding also. I have taken the following code from the Access 97 help file:
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = True
'ExcelSheet.Range("A1").Value = "This is column A, row 1"
ExcelSheet.Workbooks.Worksheets.cells(1, 1) = "Please, Please Work"
I get "Object Doesn't support this method or property" error message. Can anyone explain why this code doesn't work?
I will be eternally grateful, send an X-mas card, praise their name or anyone other name to anyone who can help me with this.