I am working with a database that stores the Month, Day and Year of a date in 3 separate number fields. I.E...
Field 1:{month} 1.00, 2.00, 12.00 etc...
Field 2:{day} 1.00, 2.00, 31.00 etc
Field 3:{year} 2,000.00, 2,001.00, etc
I have been able to stip the zeros and commas out and convert the separate fields to a text field via these formulas...
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedMonth},0,""
returns 1,2,31, etc
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedDay},0,""
returns 1,2,12, etc
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedYear},0,""
returns 2000, 2001, etc
Now what I need is to convert these 3 separate text fields into a single date field so that I can do aging calculations (sail dates vs. current date). I have tried using the DTSToDate and CDate functions, but I cant seem to get it to work. Hopefully someone here in the forums can point me in the right direction.
As always I thank the other forums members for their support.
Field 1:{month} 1.00, 2.00, 12.00 etc...
Field 2:{day} 1.00, 2.00, 31.00 etc
Field 3:{year} 2,000.00, 2,001.00, etc
I have been able to stip the zeros and commas out and convert the separate fields to a text field via these formulas...
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedMonth},0,""
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedDay},0,""
ToText ({AGPF200.SailedYear},0,""
Now what I need is to convert these 3 separate text fields into a single date field so that I can do aging calculations (sail dates vs. current date). I have tried using the DTSToDate and CDate functions, but I cant seem to get it to work. Hopefully someone here in the forums can point me in the right direction.
As always I thank the other forums members for their support.