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Technical User
Jan 31, 2003
Hi I really need help with this one and quick.
I have taken over management of a linux server running Debian Linux. It has AMANDA running which does a nightly backup of the database, html and mail. The problem is that the disk seems like its getting smaller in size on a daily basis and isn't recovering the space. I have a little less then 1 GB left and I need to recover this lost space. The way the system is partitioned nothing should get written to the partition in question [/] with the exception of AMANDA using this drive as the holding disk.

AMANDA does not see anything to be backed up so I don't knwo why the drive is getting smaller. Does anyone have any Ideas

You help is most appreciated.


erm. Which partition is it that's running out of space?

The one to which you're writing your backups? If so, what's in it? Do you have a cron job that deletes old backups running?

If it's the partition with the database and email on it... well, that should be getting smaller on a daily basis until you start deleting some of your backups.

Or am I misunderstanding your question?

Amanda will write backups to the "holding disk" until it has writen data to the tape successfully. If it doesn't find a tape to write to, it will keep adding data to the holding disk up to the amount of space allowed by amanda.conf. If you have no tape to back up to, then you need to run a cron job or something to roll out the older backups. You may also want to linit the amount of data that gets backed up.
Thanks for the quick replies.

A) the MYSQL and Email partitions are separate. Two different partitions with lots of spare space. so they have nothing to do with the problem

B) I understand the whole Idea of the holding disk so I checked out the location of the holding disk and well its empty. Also when I flushed the queue AMANDA tells me that there is nothing in the queue to flush. But because this is the only thing being written to this disk I can't understand why its availble space is continually being reduced. The other reason I believe that AMANDA is the cause is cause well teh size goes up at backup time (midnight) and doesn't seem to go down whent he backup is done.

Also HTML pages are on separate partition.

Thats the problem I cannot see what is being written to the disk when the problem occurs.

The last time I monitored the backup I noticed it wrote data to the holding disk when the backup was done the space on the disk didn't go back to normal and the holding disk was empty

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