After so many hours of reading and testing, i finally got my ERP system to work with UPS world ship using their Auto Import/Export XML feature.
Basically, you can have your system export out the shipment in this format and world ship will automatically print out the label for you for shipping and then, it will output a file for you, where you can do filetostr() and capture the tracking number and post it back to your data.
anyway, here is the XML.. i was hoping someone had done that in the past, alas, i couldn't find it.. so i spent a good 2 weeks to finally get it to work..
hope this helps someone!
Ali Koumaiha
TeknoSoft Inc.
Basically, you can have your system export out the shipment in this format and world ship will automatically print out the label for you for shipping and then, it will output a file for you, where you can do filetostr() and capture the tracking number and post it back to your data.
anyway, here is the XML.. i was hoping someone had done that in the past, alas, i couldn't find it.. so i spent a good 2 weeks to finally get it to work..
hope this helps someone!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<OpenShipments xmlns="x-schema:OpenShipments.xdr">
<OpenShipment ShipmentOption="" ProcessStatus="">
<CompanyOrName>ABC Company</CompanyOrName>
<Address1>6th Avenue</Address1>
<CityOrTown>New York</CityOrTown>
<VoidIndicator />
<DescriptionOfGoods>Computer Hardware</DescriptionOfGoods>
Ali Koumaiha
TeknoSoft Inc.