While the user is inserting some characteres in a textbox, I would like to make those characteres uppercase. The goal is not to make the word uppercase when it is all written but while it is been written.
The code I have to do that is this:
Dim lcl_i As Integer
Dim lcl_cripta As String
TXT_DecPrf.SelLength = Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text) ' set selection length.
For lcl_i = 1 To Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text)
lcl_cripta = lcl_cripta + UCase(Mid(TXT_DecPrf.Text, lcl_i, 1))
TXT_DecPrf.Text = lcl_cripta
TXT_DecPrf.SelStart = Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text)
However this code seems to much complicate to do just a simple thing...
anyone knwos a better way of doing this?
Thank you
Sergio Oliveira
While the user is inserting some characteres in a textbox, I would like to make those characteres uppercase. The goal is not to make the word uppercase when it is all written but while it is been written.
The code I have to do that is this:
Dim lcl_i As Integer
Dim lcl_cripta As String
TXT_DecPrf.SelLength = Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text) ' set selection length.
For lcl_i = 1 To Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text)
lcl_cripta = lcl_cripta + UCase(Mid(TXT_DecPrf.Text, lcl_i, 1))
TXT_DecPrf.Text = lcl_cripta
TXT_DecPrf.SelStart = Len(TXT_DecPrf.Text)
However this code seems to much complicate to do just a simple thing...
anyone knwos a better way of doing this?
Thank you
Sergio Oliveira