I have a form I've made in fp2000, that I'm going to insert the results into a database.
Only problem I'm having is I need to have all the data that's typed into the form to be in upper case.
Changing the style's font doesn't help since it's still lowercase just displaying as upper. When it's inserted into the DB it is inserted as lower.
In ASP I'd just use a UCase() to convert the characters to upper, but FP (as everyone is aware) doesn't like you to tweek it's code.
Just wondering if anyone has a simple way of doing this.
Only problem I'm having is I need to have all the data that's typed into the form to be in upper case.
Changing the style's font doesn't help since it's still lowercase just displaying as upper. When it's inserted into the DB it is inserted as lower.
In ASP I'd just use a UCase() to convert the characters to upper, but FP (as everyone is aware) doesn't like you to tweek it's code.
Just wondering if anyone has a simple way of doing this.