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Uploading ZIP's

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Apr 4, 2000
Hey, can anyone tell me how to upload a ZIP file from a cleints comp, via a web page, to a specific folder on my web server??<br>Thanks<br>Siberdude <p>Siberdude<br><a href=mailto:siberdude@settlers.co.uk>siberdude@settlers.co.uk</a><br><a href= - Settlers community site</a><br>16 years old, capable of:<br>
Html, CSS, Javascript, DHTML, Perl, and even a little JAVA<br>
Not that i like to brag :p
The server has to support FTP . Then simply using the commands of FTP you can upload FTP provided the permission has to be granted.<br><br>Thanx<br>Siddhartha Singh<br><A HREF="mailto:ssingh@aztecsoft.com">ssingh@aztecsoft.com</A>
I think your missing the point. I want to allow my Viisitors to Send the server. Thus eliminating the need for me to manualy upload all the maps i am mailed<br>Thanks <p>Siberdude<br><a href=mailto:siberdude@settlers.co.uk>siberdude@settlers.co.uk</a><br><a href= - Settlers community site</a><br>16 years old, capable of:<br>
Html, CSS, Javascript, DHTML, Perl, and even a little JAVA<br>
Not that i like to brag :p
another possibility.....<br><br>with netscape ( I'm sure IE will do it also, but I don't know how)<br>you can point your user to the writable ftp directory (<A HREF="ftp://ftp.some.server.com/pub/" TARGET="_new">ftp://ftp.some.server.com/pub/</A>).<br>Once there, the user can go <b>File-Upload File</b> in the menu.<br>This will allow the user to browse to the local file they want to upload and send it, <br>seemly through the browser, to the ftp server.<br><br>You could call a script via a crontab entry to periodically move any files it finds there.<br><br><br>
Hi Siberdude,<br>I have the same problem, and the user named Ati has answered to write a CGI (server) program to solve the problem. I suppose that the server program must download from its side via ftp: I would like to have a confirmation<br>
Found a way to use CGI.pm to do it...........this pops a 'browse to the file' dialogue box and lets the user upload the file.&nbsp;&nbsp;A few paths and such have been changed to protect the innocent.<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace>#!/usr/local/bin/perl<br>use CGI;<br>$thisCGI = '/cgi-bin/upload';<br><br>$query = new CGI;<br>print $query-&gt;header,$query-&gt;start_html(-title=&gt;&quot;UPLOAD THIS&quot;);<br>print $query -&gt;start_multipart_form('POST',&quot;$thisCGI&quot;);<br><br>print &quot;Enter or Browse to the file you would like to upload.&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;;<br>print $query-&gt;filefield(-name=&gt;'fileID',<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -size=&gt;50,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -maxlength=&gt;80);<br><br>my $fileID = $query-&gt;param('fileID');<br>@pathName = split(/\\/,$fileID);<br>$newFile = '/where/do/you/want/it/';<br>$newFile .= pop(@pathName);<br><br>if ($fileID)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; open(OPF,&quot;&gt;$newFile&quot;) ¦¦ &showError(&quot;Failed to open OPF, $!&quot;);<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; while ($bytesread=read($fileID,$buffer,2048)) <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{ print OPF &quot;$buffer&quot;; }<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $type = $query-&gt;uploadInfo($fileID)-&gt;{'Content-Type'};<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; print &quot;&lt;BR&gt;Upload of $newFile of type $type Successful&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }<br><br>print '&lt;BR&gt;',$query-&gt;submit('doWhat','uploadMe');<br>print $query-&gt;end_form;<br>print $query-&gt;end_html;<br><br>sub showError<br>{<br>my @error = @_;<br>print &quot;&lt;CENTER&gt;&lt;font color=\&quot;\#ff4500\&quot;&gt;Fatal ERROR - @error&lt;/font&gt;&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;;<br>print &quot;Submission aborted - your data was not saved!!&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;;<br>print &quot;Please use the BACK button to return to the previous page&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;;<br>print &quot;and correct the error.&lt;BR&gt;&lt;/CENTER&gt;\n&quot;;<br>print $query-&gt;end_form,$query-&gt;end_html;<br>exit;<br>}<br><br></font><br>See the docs for CGI.pm to about checking file types and such......<br><br>'hope this helps. <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br> keep the rudder amid ship and beware the odd typo
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