I have a form that includes <input name=audiofile type=file...>. In my PHP code to process the form, I check "if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['audiofile']['tmp_name']))" and then copy the file and set other things in my database. The files I want to upload range in size from about 1MB to 3MB. Under about 2MB, they upload fine, but over that (I don't know the exact cutoff - I haven't done a scientific study), the form submission still takes several seconds (so apparently the file is being sent), but when it gets to my code, the is_uploaded_file check returns false. I do not currently have MAX_FILE_SIZE set (I expect someone would ask that) - I previously had it set to 3MB, but when I ran into this problem, I tried raising it to 4MB, then removed it altogether, but it appears to be unrelated. Is there some sort of timeout that I might be running into or something?