I am using the following code to let users upload files. Downloaded it from the web somewhere. How can I modify this script to get rid of the 100k limit?
Script 1
Option Explicit
<!--#include file="modMimeFunctions.asp" -->
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/adovbs.inc -->
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/globals.inc -->
<title>ALEA: Paper Upload Confirmation</title>
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/style.inc -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/level3nav_preload.inc -->
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" background="../../images/bg.gif" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="166" align="right" valign="top" rowspan="500">
<table width="166" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a href=" src="../../images/logo.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/level3nav.inc -->
<td width="100%" rowspan="500" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="orange">
<td width="5%" rowspan="500"> </td>
<td width="90%" height="150" class="title" valign="bottom">Confirmation of Paper Submission</td>
<td width="5%" rowspan="500"> </td>
<td width="90%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td class="smalltext" colspan="2"><p>The following paper has been submitted for the 2003 ALEA Annual Meeting.</p></td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="smalltext">
dim author
author = Session("author"
dim title
title = Session("title"
dim area
area = Session("area"
dim comments
comments = Session("comments"
dim db_ID
db_ID = Session("db_ID"
dim submitted_by
dim conn
set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
dim rs
dim SQL
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE db_ID = " & db_ID
rs.open SQL, conn, adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText
submitted_by = rs.Fields("f_name"
submitted_by = submitted_by & " "
submitted_by = submitted_by & rs.Fields("l_name"
set rs = nothing
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Title:</span> " & title & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Author(s):</span> " & author & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Submitted by:</span> " & submitted_by & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Comments:</span> " & comments & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Subject area(s):</span><br>"
dim areaArray
areaArray = Split(area, ", "
'dim conn
'set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
dim strArea_name
dim i
for i = LBound(areaArray) to UBound(areaArray)
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = "SELECT * FROM area WHERE area_ID = " & areaArray(i)
rs.open SQL, conn, adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText
strArea_name = rs.Fields("area"
response.write(strArea_name & "<br>"
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing
Response.Write "<p>Upload started: " & Now & "</p>"
Dim lngBytesReceived, arrFiles, lngItemIndex
Dim strActualFileOrValue, strSourcePath, strSaveName
Dim strName
lngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes
If lngBytesReceived > 102400 Then
Response.Write("<DIV ALIGN=""CENTER""><B>Sorry, your request cannot be completed because:<BR><BR>Maximum allowed file size for both files (combined) is 100KB. Your request: " & CLng(lngBytesReceived / 1024) & "KB</DIV>"
End If
If lngBytesReceived > 0 Then 'Data has been received
<!-- <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="images/processing.gif"><BR>Files are uploading... Please wait...</DIV> -->
'Put files into a String Array
arrFiles = GetMimeArray()
'Loop for every file in the Array
For lngItemIndex = 0 To UBound(arrFiles)
If GetMimeHeader(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'No header found
Response.Write lngItemIndex & ": No header found<BR>"
Else 'Header found
If GetMimeContentDisposition(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) <> "form-data" Then 'No Content-Disposition found
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Unknown data</b><BR>"
Else 'Content-Disposition found
'Parse actual file
strActualFileOrValue = GetMimeValue(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
If GetMimeContentType(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Or GetMimeFilename(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'No Content-type Or filename found
strName = GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
'Write form name and value
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""" & strName & """ VALUE=""" & strActualFileOrValue & """>" & vbCrLf)
'Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Not a file</b><BR>"
'Response.Write "--- Data submitted: <b>" & strActualFileOrValue & "</b>"
'Response.Write " (Length=" & Len(strActualFileOrValue) & "
Else 'Content-type And filename found
If GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'Input has no name
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Input name not found</b><BR>"
Else 'Input has a name
strSourcePath = GetMimeFilename(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
If strSourcePath = "" Then 'No filename found
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Source path not found</b><BR>"
Else 'Filename found
strSaveName = GetFilenameFromPath(strSourcePath)
If strSaveName = "" Then 'Save name not found
Response.Write "Error: Save name not found: " & strSourcePath & "<BR>"
Else 'Save name found, everything's OK
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""" & GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) & """ VALUE=""" & strSaveName & """>" & vbCrLf)
Call WriteFile(strActualFileOrValue, Server.MapPath("uploaded\" & strSaveName))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'All done, now redirect
Response.Write "<p>Upload complete: " & Now & "</p>"
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="button" name="another" value="Submit Another" onclick="document.location='default.asp';">
<input type="button" name="finish" value="Finish" onclick="document.location='../default.asp';">
document.forms[0].action = "TargetPage.asp"
document.forms[0].method = "POST"
Script 2:
'MIME Parsing Functions Module
'Author: Luis Cantero
'© 2002 L.C. Enterprises
''Updated: 10/OCT/2002
'PURPOSE: Returns the HEADER of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found header | Empty
Function GetMimeHeader(strMime)
Dim intDataStart, strHeader
'Find header boundary
intDataStart = InStr(strMime, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
If intDataStart > 0 Then 'Header boundary found
'Parse header and return
GetMimeHeader = Left(strMime, intDataStart - 1)
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns an array containing the received multipart data in Mime format
'OUTPUT: String Array | Empty
Function GetMimeArray()
Dim intI, strBytes, strSignature, strCompleteData
'Get binary data
strBytes = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
For intI = 1 To LenB(strBytes) 'Convert binary data to a String
strCompleteData = strCompleteData & Chr(AscB(MidB(strBytes, intI, 1)))
'Parse Signature (file separator)
strSignature = Left(strCompleteData, InStr(strCompleteData, vbCrLf) + 1)
strCompleteData = Mid(strCompleteData, InStr(strCompleteData, vbCrLf) + 2, Len(strCompleteData) - 2 - 2 * Len(strSignature))
'Put files into a String Array and return
GetMimeArray = Split(strCompleteData, strSignature)
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "Content-Disposition" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found content-disposition | Empty
Function GetMimeContentDisposition(strMime)
GetMimeContentDisposition = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "Content-Disposition:", ";"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "Content-Type" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found content-type | Empty
Function GetMimeContentType(strMime)
GetMimeContentType = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "Content-Type:", vbCrLf)
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "filename" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found filename | Empty
Function GetMimeFilename(strMime)
GetMimeFilename = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "filename=""", """"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "name" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found name | Empty
Function GetMimeName(strMime)
GetMimeName = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "name=""", """"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of an ENTRY of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValue(strMime)
Dim intBeg
'Search for left boundary
intBeg = InStr(1, strMime, vbCrLf & vbCrLf) + Len(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
If intBeg > 0 Then
'Return found value
GetMimeValue = Mid(strMime, intBeg, Len(strMime) - intBeg - 1)
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of a VARIABLE of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry, String: Left and right bounds
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, strLeftBound, strRightBound)
Dim intBeg, intEnd, strHeader
'Get header
strHeader = GetMimeHeader(strMime)
'Search for value name in header
intBeg = InStr(1, strHeader, strLeftBound)
If intBeg > 0 Then 'Value name found in header, parse value
intBeg = intBeg + Len(strLeftBound)
intEnd = InStr(intBeg, strMime, strRightBound)
If intEnd = 0 Then intEnd = Len(strMime)
'Return found value
GetMimeValueByCoord = Trim(Mid(strMime, intBeg, intEnd - intBeg))
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of an ENTRY in the Mime array, according to it's NAME
'INPUT: Array: Mime array, String: Name of the value to be retrieved
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValueByName(arrMime, strValueName)
Dim intI, intBeg, strHeader
'Search all items of array
For intI = 0 To UBound(arrMime)
'Get header
strHeader = GetMimeHeader(arrMime(intI))
If strHeader <> "" Then 'Header found
'Search for value name in header
intBeg = InStr(1, strHeader, "name=""" & strValueName & """"
If intBeg > 0 Then 'Value name found in header, parse value
intBeg = intBeg + Len("name=""" & strValueName & """"
+ Len(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
'Return found value
GetMimeValueByName = Mid(arrMime(intI), intBeg, Len(arrMime(intI)) - intBeg - 1)
Exit For
End If
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Extracts the name of a file from its path
'INPUT: String: Path
'OUTPUT: String: Name
Function GetFilenameFromPath(strPath)
Dim intI
intI = InStrRev(strPath, "\"
If intI > 0 Then
GetFilenameFromPath = Mid(strPath, intI + 1)
GetFilenameFromPath = strPath
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Saves a file using the FileSystemObject
'INPUT: String: files's contents, String: save path
Sub WriteFile(strFileData, strSavePath)
Dim objFSO, objTextStream
If Len(strFileData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Create objects
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set objTextStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strSavePath, True, False)
'Write file and close it
objTextStream.Write strFileData
'Delete objects
Set objTextStream = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
'PURPOSE: Deletes a file using the FileSystemObject
'INPUT: String: files's path
Sub DeleteFile(strPath)
Dim objFSO, tmpFileHandle
'Create object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
'Delete zoom image
If objFSO.FileExists(strPath) Then
Set tmpFileHandle = objFSO.GetFile(strPath)
End If
'Delete objects
Set tmpFileHandle = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
'PURPOSE: Generates a "Unique Random Filename" to save uploaded files
'INPUT: String: Name of uploaded file
'OUTPUT: String: Unique random filename in this format: Date_RandomNumber.EXT
'NOTES: RandomNumber = Round(RND * 1000000), Extension is kept
Function GenerateRandomName(strFileName)
Dim strDate
'Remove illegal characters for a filename
strDate = Replace(Date, "/", "."
GenerateRandomName = strDate & "_" & CStr(Round(RND * 1000000)) & Right(strFileName, 4) 'Date_RandomNumber.EXT
End Function
Script 1
Option Explicit
<!--#include file="modMimeFunctions.asp" -->
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/adovbs.inc -->
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/globals.inc -->
<title>ALEA: Paper Upload Confirmation</title>
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/style.inc -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/level3nav_preload.inc -->
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" background="../../images/bg.gif" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="166" align="right" valign="top" rowspan="500">
<table width="166" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a href=" src="../../images/logo.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- #include file = ../../inc/level3nav.inc -->
<td width="100%" rowspan="500" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="orange">
<td width="5%" rowspan="500"> </td>
<td width="90%" height="150" class="title" valign="bottom">Confirmation of Paper Submission</td>
<td width="5%" rowspan="500"> </td>
<td width="90%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td class="smalltext" colspan="2"><p>The following paper has been submitted for the 2003 ALEA Annual Meeting.</p></td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2" class="smalltext">
dim author
author = Session("author"
dim title
title = Session("title"
dim area
area = Session("area"
dim comments
comments = Session("comments"
dim db_ID
db_ID = Session("db_ID"
dim submitted_by
dim conn
set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
dim rs
dim SQL
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE db_ID = " & db_ID
rs.open SQL, conn, adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText
submitted_by = rs.Fields("f_name"
submitted_by = submitted_by & " "
submitted_by = submitted_by & rs.Fields("l_name"
set rs = nothing
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Title:</span> " & title & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Author(s):</span> " & author & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Submitted by:</span> " & submitted_by & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Comments:</span> " & comments & "</p>"
response.write("<p><span class='boldtext'>Subject area(s):</span><br>"
dim areaArray
areaArray = Split(area, ", "
'dim conn
'set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
dim strArea_name
dim i
for i = LBound(areaArray) to UBound(areaArray)
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
SQL = "SELECT * FROM area WHERE area_ID = " & areaArray(i)
rs.open SQL, conn, adOpenKeySet, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText
strArea_name = rs.Fields("area"
response.write(strArea_name & "<br>"
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing
Response.Write "<p>Upload started: " & Now & "</p>"
Dim lngBytesReceived, arrFiles, lngItemIndex
Dim strActualFileOrValue, strSourcePath, strSaveName
Dim strName
lngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes
If lngBytesReceived > 102400 Then
Response.Write("<DIV ALIGN=""CENTER""><B>Sorry, your request cannot be completed because:<BR><BR>Maximum allowed file size for both files (combined) is 100KB. Your request: " & CLng(lngBytesReceived / 1024) & "KB</DIV>"
End If
If lngBytesReceived > 0 Then 'Data has been received
<!-- <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="images/processing.gif"><BR>Files are uploading... Please wait...</DIV> -->
'Put files into a String Array
arrFiles = GetMimeArray()
'Loop for every file in the Array
For lngItemIndex = 0 To UBound(arrFiles)
If GetMimeHeader(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'No header found
Response.Write lngItemIndex & ": No header found<BR>"
Else 'Header found
If GetMimeContentDisposition(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) <> "form-data" Then 'No Content-Disposition found
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Unknown data</b><BR>"
Else 'Content-Disposition found
'Parse actual file
strActualFileOrValue = GetMimeValue(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
If GetMimeContentType(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Or GetMimeFilename(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'No Content-type Or filename found
strName = GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
'Write form name and value
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""" & strName & """ VALUE=""" & strActualFileOrValue & """>" & vbCrLf)
'Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Not a file</b><BR>"
'Response.Write "--- Data submitted: <b>" & strActualFileOrValue & "</b>"
'Response.Write " (Length=" & Len(strActualFileOrValue) & "
Else 'Content-type And filename found
If GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) = "" Then 'Input has no name
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Input name not found</b><BR>"
Else 'Input has a name
strSourcePath = GetMimeFilename(arrFiles(lngItemIndex))
If strSourcePath = "" Then 'No filename found
Response.Write "<b>=== ERROR: Source path not found</b><BR>"
Else 'Filename found
strSaveName = GetFilenameFromPath(strSourcePath)
If strSaveName = "" Then 'Save name not found
Response.Write "Error: Save name not found: " & strSourcePath & "<BR>"
Else 'Save name found, everything's OK
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=""HIDDEN"" NAME=""" & GetMimeName(arrFiles(lngItemIndex)) & """ VALUE=""" & strSaveName & """>" & vbCrLf)
Call WriteFile(strActualFileOrValue, Server.MapPath("uploaded\" & strSaveName))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'All done, now redirect
Response.Write "<p>Upload complete: " & Now & "</p>"
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="button" name="another" value="Submit Another" onclick="document.location='default.asp';">
<input type="button" name="finish" value="Finish" onclick="document.location='../default.asp';">
document.forms[0].action = "TargetPage.asp"
document.forms[0].method = "POST"
Script 2:
'MIME Parsing Functions Module
'Author: Luis Cantero
'© 2002 L.C. Enterprises
''Updated: 10/OCT/2002
'PURPOSE: Returns the HEADER of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found header | Empty
Function GetMimeHeader(strMime)
Dim intDataStart, strHeader
'Find header boundary
intDataStart = InStr(strMime, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
If intDataStart > 0 Then 'Header boundary found
'Parse header and return
GetMimeHeader = Left(strMime, intDataStart - 1)
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns an array containing the received multipart data in Mime format
'OUTPUT: String Array | Empty
Function GetMimeArray()
Dim intI, strBytes, strSignature, strCompleteData
'Get binary data
strBytes = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
For intI = 1 To LenB(strBytes) 'Convert binary data to a String
strCompleteData = strCompleteData & Chr(AscB(MidB(strBytes, intI, 1)))
'Parse Signature (file separator)
strSignature = Left(strCompleteData, InStr(strCompleteData, vbCrLf) + 1)
strCompleteData = Mid(strCompleteData, InStr(strCompleteData, vbCrLf) + 2, Len(strCompleteData) - 2 - 2 * Len(strSignature))
'Put files into a String Array and return
GetMimeArray = Split(strCompleteData, strSignature)
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "Content-Disposition" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found content-disposition | Empty
Function GetMimeContentDisposition(strMime)
GetMimeContentDisposition = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "Content-Disposition:", ";"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "Content-Type" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found content-type | Empty
Function GetMimeContentType(strMime)
GetMimeContentType = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "Content-Type:", vbCrLf)
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "filename" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found filename | Empty
Function GetMimeFilename(strMime)
GetMimeFilename = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "filename=""", """"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the "name" of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found name | Empty
Function GetMimeName(strMime)
GetMimeName = GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, "name=""", """"
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of an ENTRY of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValue(strMime)
Dim intBeg
'Search for left boundary
intBeg = InStr(1, strMime, vbCrLf & vbCrLf) + Len(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
If intBeg > 0 Then
'Return found value
GetMimeValue = Mid(strMime, intBeg, Len(strMime) - intBeg - 1)
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of a VARIABLE of a Mime entry
'INPUT: String: Mime entry, String: Left and right bounds
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValueByCoord(strMime, strLeftBound, strRightBound)
Dim intBeg, intEnd, strHeader
'Get header
strHeader = GetMimeHeader(strMime)
'Search for value name in header
intBeg = InStr(1, strHeader, strLeftBound)
If intBeg > 0 Then 'Value name found in header, parse value
intBeg = intBeg + Len(strLeftBound)
intEnd = InStr(intBeg, strMime, strRightBound)
If intEnd = 0 Then intEnd = Len(strMime)
'Return found value
GetMimeValueByCoord = Trim(Mid(strMime, intBeg, intEnd - intBeg))
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Returns the value of an ENTRY in the Mime array, according to it's NAME
'INPUT: Array: Mime array, String: Name of the value to be retrieved
'OUTPUT: String: Found value | Empty
Function GetMimeValueByName(arrMime, strValueName)
Dim intI, intBeg, strHeader
'Search all items of array
For intI = 0 To UBound(arrMime)
'Get header
strHeader = GetMimeHeader(arrMime(intI))
If strHeader <> "" Then 'Header found
'Search for value name in header
intBeg = InStr(1, strHeader, "name=""" & strValueName & """"
If intBeg > 0 Then 'Value name found in header, parse value
intBeg = intBeg + Len("name=""" & strValueName & """"
'Return found value
GetMimeValueByName = Mid(arrMime(intI), intBeg, Len(arrMime(intI)) - intBeg - 1)
Exit For
End If
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Extracts the name of a file from its path
'INPUT: String: Path
'OUTPUT: String: Name
Function GetFilenameFromPath(strPath)
Dim intI
intI = InStrRev(strPath, "\"
If intI > 0 Then
GetFilenameFromPath = Mid(strPath, intI + 1)
GetFilenameFromPath = strPath
End If
End Function
'PURPOSE: Saves a file using the FileSystemObject
'INPUT: String: files's contents, String: save path
Sub WriteFile(strFileData, strSavePath)
Dim objFSO, objTextStream
If Len(strFileData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Create objects
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set objTextStream = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strSavePath, True, False)
'Write file and close it
objTextStream.Write strFileData
'Delete objects
Set objTextStream = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
'PURPOSE: Deletes a file using the FileSystemObject
'INPUT: String: files's path
Sub DeleteFile(strPath)
Dim objFSO, tmpFileHandle
'Create object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
'Delete zoom image
If objFSO.FileExists(strPath) Then
Set tmpFileHandle = objFSO.GetFile(strPath)
End If
'Delete objects
Set tmpFileHandle = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub
'PURPOSE: Generates a "Unique Random Filename" to save uploaded files
'INPUT: String: Name of uploaded file
'OUTPUT: String: Unique random filename in this format: Date_RandomNumber.EXT
'NOTES: RandomNumber = Round(RND * 1000000), Extension is kept
Function GenerateRandomName(strFileName)
Dim strDate
'Remove illegal characters for a filename
strDate = Replace(Date, "/", "."
GenerateRandomName = strDate & "_" & CStr(Round(RND * 1000000)) & Right(strFileName, 4) 'Date_RandomNumber.EXT
End Function