I've enver used Crystal anything before, so please forgive me if this seems simple.
I have a CE8 machine on our internal network. We have a need for some
reports to be available to clients via our extranet, which is Solaris
2.6/Apache. I'd like to know the simplest way of doing this. I was
envisioning exporting the reports to HTML and having them FTP'd to the
extranet server, where they'd be available to clients. Is this possible?
Also, we have a firewall between the extranet and the internal network,
so I can't have any connections originate from the extranet box reach
the CE machine.
I have a CE8 machine on our internal network. We have a need for some
reports to be available to clients via our extranet, which is Solaris
2.6/Apache. I'd like to know the simplest way of doing this. I was
envisioning exporting the reports to HTML and having them FTP'd to the
extranet server, where they'd be available to clients. Is this possible?
Also, we have a firewall between the extranet and the internal network,
so I can't have any connections originate from the extranet box reach
the CE machine.