Okay so have done hundreds of upgrades on tradiationl CM systems and lately have had to do deal with the lack of doucmentation on System Platfrom and CM and variuos aps but working though it. .....now on to MES. Cmon Avaya!! this lack of documentation is mind blowing. i found a doc from October, but the person who wrote it clearly never had anynone try it as it has so many things that are not correct. And i have consulted Avaya on 3 attempts now and they have no idea on what to do. so in a nut shell im looking for the proper path of getting a 6.2 MES and all its VMs to the most current. the doc says go to 6.3 on SP then 6.2.2 on MES template but i cant tell if they want you to take CM all the way to 6.3 or not. they say to do the LSPs. so if the template cant do CM do i even bother? or can i just indivaually upgrade SM, SMGR, AES adn so on. any help is greatly appreciated here. thanks!