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Upgrading IP500V2 to R10 4

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Apr 11, 2005
First, I want to say that I have been a member of this group for awhile, and the help on this site is seriously priceless. The past 5 years I have been a field tech which seriously cuts into my tek-tips.com time. Anyways, thank you for everything.

On to topic, I just read through hours of threads on upgrading to R10 and I am more confused than when I started.

My first R10 upgrade will be an IP500V2 9.0.1 with (8) Extensions and (12) Users. I went through the procedure to migrate license with distributor and have received an .xml file with the licenses that are current. It is here that I am stuck.

- I tried adding the PLDS/.xml file, when Manager comes back it has the same ADI licenses. I do see them in embedded file management, but not in Manager. Are the PLDS licenses there waiting for the R10 upgrade to happen?

- I dont see an upgrade license, someone had posted that an upgrade license is required. Thoughts?

- I am reading about Basic Users needing licensing in R10. Do I need to get Basic User licenses for these existing Users?

That is all I have for now as I cannot get past this step. More will probably come.

Thanks again,

Been there, done that
If you look in the license file does the <HostID> part match the PLDS host ID of your IPO when look under licenses in Manager?

PLDS doesn't need an Upgrade License, the version it supports is in the license file, for example

<Product countedLicenseTimeout="600">
<DisplayName>IP Office</DisplayName>

"Trying is the first step to failure..." - Homer
- HostID does match the PLDS host ID of IPOffice
- Version is listed as 10

Been there, done that
Also if you read the Release Notes it says that the license may not be recognized before upgrading

5.2 Upgrading IP Office IP500 V2 core software
When upgrading to Release 10.0 from a previous release an upgrade license is
required. It is recommended that the IP Office Release 10.0 Software Upgrade license is
installed before upgrading the system. Although the license key may not be recognized
immediately by the system running an earlier major release of software, it will be
recognized when the system is upgraded to Release 10.0.

"Trying is the first step to failure..." - Homer
Intreresting that mine says Version 9 when it's on 9.1, wonder if it will mean that a 10 license will be valid on 10.0, 10.1 etc.

"Trying is the first step to failure..." - Homer
I didnt realize "recognized" means you dont see anything in Manager, it makes the first one a real treat. Thank you janni.

What about the User license question. Is that still a thing? Any Basic User needs a license. If so, how does this upgraded IP500 know how many Basic Users to support?

Been there, done that
Basic users

New users are created as Basic users by default. Basic users can perform hot-desking, make and receive calls, forward calls, and perform mobile twinning.

Basic user licenses are no longer provisioned. For both new systems and upgrades, the Basic Users field is greyed out.

Basic user licenses are required only in the Cloud environment.
They did introduce basic user licencing in all versions of IPO in R10, but so many BP's jumped ship and/or threatened to do so they removed the requirement by GA, but then put basic edition back in, out of spite I think :)

Here are the only licenses for upgrading.

383738 IPO-SL 10 RECEPTS 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Receptionist upgrade
383696 IPO R10 RECEPTIONIST 1 UPG PLDS LIC Receptionist upgrade
383739 IPO-SL 10 CTI UPG PLDS LIC Select CTI upgrade
383697 IPO R10 CTI UPG PLDS LIC CTI upgrade
383740 IPO-SL 10 VMPRO 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Voicemail Pro upgrade
383698 IPO R10 VM PRO 1 UPG PLDS LIC Voicemail Pro upgrade
383741 IPO-SL 10 3RDPTY IPEND1 UPG PLDS LIC Select IP third party endpoint upgrade
383699 IPO R10 3RDPTY IPENDPT1 UPG PLDS LIC IP third party endpoint upgrade
383742 IPO-SL 10 TAPI WAV 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select TAPI WAV upgrade
383743 IPO-SL 10 TTS PROLINUX UPG PLDS LIC Select TTS Pro Linux upgrade
383703 IPO R10 TTS PRO LINUX UPG PLDS LIC TTS Pro Linux upgrade
383701 IPO R10 TTS WNDWS UPG PLDS LIC TTS Windows upgrade
383702 IPO R10 3RD PTY TTS UPG PLDS LIC Third party TTS upgrade
383744 IPO-SL 10 IPSEC VPN UPG PLDS LIC Select IPSec VPN upgrade
383745 IPO-SL 10 CONTACT RCRDR UPG PLDS LIC Select Avaya Contact Recorder upgrade
383705 IPO R10 CONTACT RCDR UPG PLDS LIC Avaya Contact Recorder upgrade
383746 IPO-SL 10 SIP TRNK 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select SIP trunk upgrade
383747 IPO-SL 10 VMPRO UMS 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Voicemail Pro Unified Messaging Server upgrade
383708 IPO R10 VM PRO UMS 1 UPG PLDS LIC Voicemail Pro Unified Messaging Server upgrade
383748 IPO-SL 10 IP500 T1 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC Select IP500 additional channel upgrade
383709 IPO R10 IP500 T1 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC IP500 additional channel upgrade
383749 IPO-SL 10 IP500 E1 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC Select IP500 additional channel upgrade
383710 IPO R10 IP500 E1 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC IP500 additional channel upgrade
383752 IPO-SL 10 IP500 E1R2 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC Select IP500 additional channel upgrade
383713 IPO R10 IP500 E1R2 CH1 UPG PLDS LIC IP500 additional channel upgrade
383707 IPO R10 IP500 VCE NTWK1 UPG PLDS LIC IP500 voice networking upgrade
383755 IPO-SL 10 PWR USR 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Power user upgrade
383716 IPO R10 PWR USER 1 UPG PLDS LIC Power user upgrade
383756 IPO-SL 10 OFF WKR 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Office worker upgrade
383719 IPO R10 OFFICE WORKER 1 UPG PLDS LIC Office worker upgrade
383717 IPO R10 TELEWORKER 1 UPG PLDS LIC Teleworker upgrade
383718 IPO R10 MOBILE WORKER 1 UPG PLDS LIC Mobile worker upgrade
383757 IPO-SL 10 AV IP ENDPT 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Avaya IP endpoint upgrade
383720 IPO R10 AV IP ENDPT 1 UPG PLDS LIC Avaya IP endpoint upgrade
383758 IPO-SL 10 BT RACE UPG PLDS LIC Select BT Race system upgrade. The BT Race system is used by British Telecom to manage server passwords
383721 IPO R10 BT RACE PLDS UPG LIC BT Race system upgrade
383722 IPO R10 SFTPH 1 PLDS UPG LIC Soft Phone upgrade
383759 IPO-SL 10 VSFTPHN MAC 1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Video Soft Phone for Mac upgrade
383723 IPO R10 VSFTPHN MAC 1 UPG PLDS LIC Video Soft Phone for Mac upgrade
383760 IPO-SL 10 SMLINE SIPTRK UPG PLDS LIC Select SM Line SIP trunk upgrade
383726 IPO R10 SM LINE SIPTRNK UPG PLDS LIC SM Line SIP trunk upgrade
383706 IPO R10 SIP TRNK 1 UPG PLDS LIC SIP trunk upgrade
383761 IPO-SL 10 WEBCOLLB USR1 UPG PLDS LIC Select Web Collaboration user upgrade
383728 IPO R10 WEBCOLLAB USER1 UPG PLDS LIC Web Collaboration user upgrade
383715 IPO R10 BASIC EDITION MIGRATION UPGRADE Basic Edition migration upgrade
383736 IPO R10 BASIC EDITION MIGRATION UPG ENTL Entitled Basic Edition migration upgrade
383729 IPO R10 ESSNTL ED UPG PLDS LIC Essential Edition upgrade

383737 IP OFFICE R10 ESS/PREF EDITION ENTL UPGRADE PLDS LIC:DS Essential Edition/Preferred Edition entitlement upgrade
383730 IPO R10 ESS ED EVM 1CH UPG PLDS LIC Essential Edition Embedded Voicemail channel upgrade
383731 IPO R10 PREFRD VM PRO UPG PLDS LIC Preferred Edition Voicemail Pro upgrade
383762 IPO-SL 10 SE/VRTLZD UPG PLDS LIC Select Server Edition Virtualized upgrade
383732 IPO R10 SE/VRTLZD PAID UPG PLDS LIC Server Edition Virtualized upgrade
385845 IPO-SL 10 SE/VRTLZD ENTL UPG PLDS LIC Select Server Edition Virtualized entitlement upgrade
IPO R10 SE/VRTLZD ENTL UPG PLDS LIC Server Edition Virtualized entitlement upgrade
383766 IPO-SL 10 ACCS ENBLMNT UPG PLDS LIC Avaya Contact Center Select upgrade for Select editions
383735 IPO R10 ACCS ENABLEMENT UPG PLDS LIC Avaya Contact Center Select upgrade

Why do you want to upgrade. What new, wonderful, gotta have, feature is worth going through all of this hassle? If it ain't broke...

We're not rolling out R10 until 10.1 comes out and Avaya has had time to work out bugs, and we are certainly not recommending an R10 upgrade to any of our customers because for the most part there is nothing in R10 that makes it worthwhile unless maybe you are running Server Edition.

Thanks for the answers, stars all around!

Believe me, I would not upgrade to R10 if I had a choice. Someone put the order in and I got stuck holding the bag of R10.

Been there, done that
Just hand it all back to the salesman and tell him to go back to the dealer and they can advise what lic's are needed.

Make them do the work. They got their commision and you are left with your pants down....

General Geek
I did one the other day. You'd get the license file from PLDS and load it in Manager. The PLDS licenses don't show up after you load them in the 9.X config.

When you run the upgrade wizard, it'll show the licensed version at 9.1, required version 10.0. Run the upgrade, and after it's done and you open the config, you'll see the PLDS licenses and the old ADI licenses in the config. You can delete the ADI licenses as they'll say obsolete.

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