it seems that the above system that I've inherited in a new property is defunct, so I'm contemplating replacing it. I've already been advised that an IP406 would be compatible with the IP400 extension module that I have, although at this point, I am unsure which item is non functioning (the 403 or the 400).
So I've been looking at refurb items on eBay, and it seems that I can replace the whole kit with an IP500v2 control unit for £85 and a combo BRI card for £70 (6 digital, 2 analogue, 4 BRI) which is sufficient for my needs.
My question is that this seems quite cheap and I'm thinking there may be some software licenses that need to be purchased separately? Can someone confirm this please and let me know if there is a link to the software versions / features / prices anywhere?
it seems that the above system that I've inherited in a new property is defunct, so I'm contemplating replacing it. I've already been advised that an IP406 would be compatible with the IP400 extension module that I have, although at this point, I am unsure which item is non functioning (the 403 or the 400).
So I've been looking at refurb items on eBay, and it seems that I can replace the whole kit with an IP500v2 control unit for £85 and a combo BRI card for £70 (6 digital, 2 analogue, 4 BRI) which is sufficient for my needs.
My question is that this seems quite cheap and I'm thinking there may be some software licenses that need to be purchased separately? Can someone confirm this please and let me know if there is a link to the software versions / features / prices anywhere?