The reason I ask is that a shop assistant said that in order to have a valid upgrade (ie. license all legal) - the version can only be at maximum 2 behind e.g Delphi 6 would need Delphi 4. Does anyone know about this?
A few years ago I went from Delphi 2 to Delphi 5 with no questions asked. When I bought D2 I qualified for the competitive upgrade so didn't have to pay the full price then either (thank the Lord). Unless things have changed, you should be okay. Borland should have this information somewhere.
Borland upgrades for most products are allowed from any previous version (Delphi 1 is no longer allowed though AFAIK).
That was always one of their strong points (and maybe a potential weakness from a sales perspective).
I think they now abandoned it for JBuilder though, which may point to a less bright future (but then, the entire license model and version spectrum for JBuilder was changed which makes it far harder to determine which previous version would be equal to what current version).
Just as a rumor - and anyone please confirm or deny this ...
I heard that Borland is intending to bundle all its products - Delphi, J Builder and C++ Builder into one package - Borland Studio or the like - in a similar fashion to Microsoft's Visual Studio Series?
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