I am trying to upgrade my win98 to 2000 but this is the error massage that I get:
Setup detected 16Mbytes of main memmory but 32 Mbytes is required.
can anyone help me what I should do.
When doing an upgrade you should always run setup of the new operating system from with in the old system. In other words you boot up your old Win 98 system that is currently on the CPU hard drive, and after Win98 is fully up and running then pop in the Win 2000 pro disk and run setup from there. Now there is memory and processor issues when attempting to install Win 2000, or XP, you must have at least a minimum size, or amount of Ram, processor and harddrive space. The setup documentation will explain the minimums required.
If you're really only got 16MB RAM, forget the upgrade until you've added at least another 112MB (need 128 for 2k to run properly - it will run with 64, but no good if you actually intend using it!)
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