We are in the process of upgrading some of our customers BCM 1000 that are 2.5 or pre 2.5 to 3.7
Basicaly what I looking for I have not been able to find in the forum.
My thought process was just replacing the hard drives with 3.7 hard drives and reprogramming. The majority of these BCM1000 are stand alone BCM's with basicaly only voicemail Keycodes.
My question is what hardware requirements are there to to a BCM1000 to 3.7 assuming we just swap ou the hard drives and reprogram from scratch.
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Basicaly what I looking for I have not been able to find in the forum.
My thought process was just replacing the hard drives with 3.7 hard drives and reprogramming. The majority of these BCM1000 are stand alone BCM's with basicaly only voicemail Keycodes.
My question is what hardware requirements are there to to a BCM1000 to 3.7 assuming we just swap ou the hard drives and reprogram from scratch.
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