I am in the process of upgrading Crystal 7 to 8.5 using ASP. I have reviewed several threads regarding the upgrade (and the differences between the OCX and RDC) and am a bit concerned by the following statement ... "the biggest downside to the RDC, is that you can no longer refer to tables and fields by their aliases or names"
Does this mean that I can no longer use the following code since it uses the field name?
' Start code snippet
Set session("Sortfields" = session("oRpt".RecordSortFields
If cstr(Sortfield0) <> "" then
Set newSortfield = session("SortFields".Add(cint(intsortdirection), cstr(sortfield0))
end If
' End code snippet
This is from our Reports.asp file. This is "THE" file that we use to call reports.
So, my questions -
- is there an easy way to convert the field name to the object id from within the ASP?
- should I go back to using the old DLL (Crystal.CRPE.Application)?
- any other suggestions?
Steve Kirsch
First Consulting Group, Inc.
Does this mean that I can no longer use the following code since it uses the field name?
' Start code snippet
Set session("Sortfields" = session("oRpt".RecordSortFields
If cstr(Sortfield0) <> "" then
Set newSortfield = session("SortFields".Add(cint(intsortdirection), cstr(sortfield0))
end If
' End code snippet
This is from our Reports.asp file. This is "THE" file that we use to call reports.
So, my questions -
- is there an easy way to convert the field name to the object id from within the ASP?
- should I go back to using the old DLL (Crystal.CRPE.Application)?
- any other suggestions?
Steve Kirsch
First Consulting Group, Inc.