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Upgraded from Windows 2000 to Xp

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Technical User
Jul 27, 2003
Install Windows 2000 and have files missing, CD may be corrupt! So I bought XP and installed it. I thought that I would only upgrade. What a big mistake. Now I have the same troubles only with XP. What I would like to do is uninstall XP and reinstall with XP full. I have tried to just reinstall using full install, but it only at first would install in D partition, I have the upgrade on C partition. Then after **** around I found a way to do it on C partition but it wants to install 2 OS on one partition. Which it gave prompt saying that it is not recommended. How can I uninstall and start over, clean. Ooo-yea the XP is installed in NTFS. Or is there anyway else to get the job done right so I have a working OS.
Thnxs in advance!


Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.
- Jeff Raskin [morning]
Well I get all the way to Windows XP Professional Setup. List shows existing partitions
• To set up windows XP on the selected item, press ENTER
• To create a partition in the un partitioned space, press C
• To delete the selected partition, press D
19092 MB Disk 0 at ID 0 on bus 0 on atapi [MBR]
• C: Partition 1 [NTFS] 16294 MB (12895 MB free) have highlighted!
• D: Unpartitioned space
So if I have it right I press D to delete the C: partition so as to reinstall.
I press D to delete selected partition (in this case C :) --smiley face not intentional
Prompt is; Setup is unable to perform the requested operation on the selected partition. This partition contains temporary Setup files that are required to complete the installation.
• To continue, press ENTER.
What now?
if you are sure you want to erase everything from your hard drives, boot from win 98 startup disk that contains debug.exe and try running this script:

Type the bolded text only (the debug prompt is a dash). You will receive an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents the system response that will appear after typing each command and press the <Enter> key.

-F 200 L1000 0
-A CS:100
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80

NOTE: Type 80 for the Main hard drive - HD 0, or type 81 for the Second hard drive - HD 1

xxxx:010C INT 13
xxxx:010E INT 20
xxxx:0110 (Leave this line blank and press the <Enter> key)

The message, Program terminated normally, appears.

Press the power button to turn off the computer.

Then try running win xp setup. let me know how it goes.

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.
- Jeff Raskin [morning]
sorry bolded text in this one

Type the bolded text only (the debug prompt is a dash). You will receive an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents the system response that will appear after typing each command and press the <Enter> key.

-F 200 L1000 0
-A CS:100
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80

NOTE: Type 80 for the Main hard drive - HD 0, or type 81 for the Second hard drive - HD 1

xxxx:010C INT 13
xxxx:010E INT 20
xxxx:0110 (Leave this line blank and press the <Enter> key)

The message, Program terminated normally, appears.

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining.
- Jeff Raskin [morning]
freaser - sounds like you started the install off from within windows? If you boot from XP install CD it should always allow you to remove partitions - because it copies files AFTER this point. If this is not the case - see my comment att he bottom.

You can easily remove partitions using fdisk from a win98 boot floppy (ntfs appears as non-dos) - I don't know why YBNormal has got all complicated on you.

btw - your original problem sounds like a hardware issue (not a bad CD or operating system problem) - eg, bad RAM - to me. So I suspect you will continue to have problems with 2k or XP until you sort that out.
Dear freaser,
i am skeptical you're more confused than even be4, after reading all this stuff. The issue now is that you deleted your c: partion which was the active partion, this was a bad decision. your comp will no longer be bootable. This is how you would come around the situation:-
- Start the computer with a bootable disk.
- create an active partion, format the partion.
- Since you've deleted your previous c partion, that data is lost and can never be retrieved.
- Start installing your windows 2000/xp as you desire.
When prompted for where you wish to intall, select partion c:

&quot;Have a safe ride&quot;

YBNormal, Wolluf, Aniga.
Thanks for all the help. Feel so stupid because I just couldn’t get it. But before I read Wolluf and Aniga posts. I realized that somewhere I had the Quick restore disk back to windows 98 Se. But I thought because of the hard drive being formatted to NTFS now, that I couldn’t go back. I used it anyway and it worked. Have had troubles for quite some time now! So reinstalling goes fast. To tell you guys the truth. I like (now that I know how to tune-up windows and my system) windows 98 Se just fine!
Tek-Tips is a great forum and has well informed posters. Is great that we have a place like Tek-Tips to get help!
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