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Upgrade vs. Fresh install

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Jun 10, 2003
Through reading through this forum, I've heard a lot of problems arising from upgrading to XP instead of doing a fresh install. What's the deal? Is it that unstable to do an upgrade?
mostly this happens while upgrading the OS like 98 or 2000 to Xp it installs all new components and shared the old files and if there is a file conflict then the problem arises thats why an fresh installation keeps the system stable and neat... :p

Upgrading from 2k to XP would probably be least troublesome upgrade route (as XP is just next version of 2k). As 2k is next version of NT, NT to XP also probably not too bad. 9x/ME are completely different operating systems - so upgrade involves a large amount of conversion as well - most likely unstable.

But - upgrading also brings with it (or probably does) any little foibles your old installation has developed over the time its been in use (upgrading may remove or magnify these defects). Also, even after 'spring cleaning' old installation, there will likely still be unnecessary bits lurking in it!

So generally, its recommended you back up and do a clean install for best future stability.
Well, I did an upgrade from 98 to XP and it was a bit of trouble, but it was manageable.

First off, do the Upgrade Wizard thingy, (forgot the name) it will look for software and hardware that is not compatible.

For sure, uninstall Antivirus, Utilites like Norton, Partition or Image software, and any others that have WIN9X versions and NT\XP versions.

Get the drivers for your hardware BEFORE you upgrade. Because if you can't get on the internet how can you get the new drivers, and if you don't have the new drivers how can you get on the internet? Catch-22 big time.

Do a Ghost or Image of your drive before you start so that if it fails miserably you can go back to what you had.

I'm sure I am missing something, but you get the idea. Get prepared before starting, and it can be a not so terrible experience.

On the other hand how long will it take to reinstall all the software you have accumulated over the years? Days, for sure. It would for me, anyways. And don't forget that if you do a "fresh" install that usually means formatting your hard drive. What about all your documents and passwords and favorites and email\isp configuration, and saved email, and Tax and financial data, and pictures and mp3's.... you get what I mean. A lot of work, and you always forget something.

XP took my Cable connection info, Outlook and other office data, Quicken and other data and moved it so that everything worked just fine. Besides a few programs that I had to reinstall every thing worked fine. Yes, I know there are probably a lot of old remnants still in my Windows directory, but if XP is not using them, who cares? I got the space, let them be.

One last caveat: do not convert your hard drive to NTFS right away, let it be for a month or so. That way you can still boot to a floppy and get to your data in a pinch. Hang on that good old DOS boot disk!!

Sorry for the ramblin on :)


There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. (Bertrand Russell)

As another user noted 'probably not too bad' being the key here in ANY upgraded situations.

Even as close as 2k can yield few issue I would just do a fresh install if your not up to diagnosing and fixing or even reinstalling later do to an OS upgrade gone south =(

Unless your willing to fore-go the above to keep some software you may not posses or do not care to reinstall or cannot even then I would heed the warnings!

Check that your current items you really want to save and use are compatible in the next upgrade which most will generally require updates/fixes and or drivers as noted.

Either way, Export your contacts and backup any documents/files you want to keep regardless and note any current network and dialup settings along with email/software options/settings and you should be ready to go.

As far as dialup and or email settings, your isp will be happy to guide you thru these settings if you get lost or just need help regardless. Just let them know you recently upgraded or reinstalled if you do require assistance and note this a COUPLE times in speaking with them =)

As soon as you can get back online, download all system and security updates before venturing further as this alone can and will change certain operations and errors for the good or bad =p.

Thats about it in a nutshell. Someone else here may have some good links for you as well on a more proper way of doing this.

I seriously recommend agaist it for the havoc and waste it can create in doing so again especially when it comes down to troubleshooting an error later.

If you should post on an issue to this forum or another after upgrading, DO NOTE that you have UPGRADED as results and methods of diagnosis can vary.


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Thanks to all for the replies.
I'm currently running Japanese W98, English W2K on separate partitions, and have two more partitions, one for Apps, another for Data. I'm considering upgrading from W2K to XP. Since my data is on a separate partition (including my mail), I don't have to worry about preserving that.
I was considering adding another partition and testing out a fresh XP install, but I guess another factor is that I've only got a 6GB HD and P2 450MHz processor--not even sure that XP would run well on such a system.
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