I'm trying to upgrade my Cisco 7970 phone to SIP. I have the SIP files on my tftp server.. The phone is starting to load the sbn files, but download fails at 82% when downloading the apps70xxxx sbn file..
The phone was factory reset when I bought it (from Ebay)
Is there an migration path I have to follow to upgrade to the new sip firmware? My old Cisco 7960-phones had to be upgraded to SIP firmware 5.3 first, and THEN 6.x (and then 7.x)..
The phone was factory reset when I bought it (from Ebay)
Is there an migration path I have to follow to upgrade to the new sip firmware? My old Cisco 7960-phones had to be upgraded to SIP firmware 5.3 first, and THEN 6.x (and then 7.x)..