While I'm sure it's possible, it will likely be a massive undertaking that you'd want Unify to do. The oldest I've worked on is a V4. V4 to V5 was done via a hard drive swap with the new software pre-loaded, to save downtime. V5 to V6 requires new processors. I'm sure some of the other salty dogs on here can comment on the older versions.
You will not be allowed to upgrade to anything less than V7 through the channel - V7 requires new processor boards and some changes to the CPCI shelf, and will likely cost a few bucks.
You might be able to find a "garage vendor" or dealer who could make you a V5 Hard Drive using a special tool, but I don't know if they will have the ability to convert your database format. Unify usually takes a snapshot and recreates the database in the new format.
Don Bruechert, Voice Comm Analyst II
CareTech Solutions @ Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, WI, USA
Thanks everyone, i appreciate your help very much.
I think i made an so general statement not explaining myself very well. What I want to do is to upgrade my V2 to v5. I have the licensing for the v5 but I would need another sim card in order to upgrade my Hipath 4000 v2 to v5. Do you guys have any idea how can I get another the V5 sim card or an bypass simcard? Or any another ideas about how this upgrade could be done?
Thanks sbcsu so Unify would supply a bypass SIM?
So u are saying that i can buy a bypass simCard for the V5 model for example?
Can you tell me where can i buy this?
As far as I know you would have to be a partner of Unify equipment to obtain one.
The bypass SIM is similar to the bypass (red) dongle of old systems.
You can get the codewords for all versions but they only last 30 days.
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