We're currently running a IWR 6.0 installation and moving to IWR 7.0 w/Upfront.
The problem: Currenty we publish reportsets to the IWR 6.0 server and, using IWR Report Administrator, copy a report from the reportset folder to another folder based on user classes.
For example:
SalesReportSet --> Contains Sales.cat, SalesReportPrompt.imr (cascading prompt report), SalesReportForMgmt.imr, and SalesReportForStaff.imr
In IWR 6.0 we would publish this report set and create two additional folders, Staff Reports and Management Reports, with the StaffUserClass and MgmtUserClass having access to their reports only.
So we end up with three folders, once catalog, three reports, and two report copies in IWR as such:
6.0 Folder Contains
SalesReportSet Sales.cat
Staff Reports SalesReportForStaffCOPY.imr
Mgmt Reports SalesReportForMgmtCOPY.imr
Easy enough. The StaffUserClass can see the Staff Reports folder and run its report. The MgmtUserClass can see the Mgmt Reports folder and run its report. Only Administrator can see the SalesReportSet folder. When each user class runs its report in 6.0, they can either return to their original folder or proceed directly to their Inbox.
Now, fast forward to IWR 7.0 using shortcuts.
7.0 Folder Contains
SalesReportSet Sales.cat
Staff Reports SalesReportForStaffSHORTCUT.imr
Mgmt Reports SalesReportForMgmtSHORTCUT.imr
Reports are set to run and save automatically in the users newsbox. Again only RootUserClass can see the SalesReportSet folder, StaffUserClass the Staff Reports Folder, and MgmtUserClass the Mgmt Reports folder.
So, when a user runs the report, they respond to the report prompt as normal, are prompted where they want to save the report, AND THEN RETURNED TO THE SALESREPORTSET FOLDER!!!! Aggggh!!!! Why does a shortcut do this, that is, not return the user to the folder where the shortcut resides, but to the folder where the shortcut points to???? We need to have the users returned to the folder they ran the report from and NOT sent to the SalesReportSet folder where they can see the prompt report (which they normally wouldn't see) and confusingly, find themselves in a folder they've never seen before (remember, they ran the report using a shortcut from the Staff Reports folder).
I know this is a long post and there are two keys here, the use of shortcuts and the "Default run action" of the shortcuts source report to "Run report and then save the result as a new entry." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We're currently running a IWR 6.0 installation and moving to IWR 7.0 w/Upfront.
The problem: Currenty we publish reportsets to the IWR 6.0 server and, using IWR Report Administrator, copy a report from the reportset folder to another folder based on user classes.
For example:
SalesReportSet --> Contains Sales.cat, SalesReportPrompt.imr (cascading prompt report), SalesReportForMgmt.imr, and SalesReportForStaff.imr
In IWR 6.0 we would publish this report set and create two additional folders, Staff Reports and Management Reports, with the StaffUserClass and MgmtUserClass having access to their reports only.
So we end up with three folders, once catalog, three reports, and two report copies in IWR as such:
6.0 Folder Contains
SalesReportSet Sales.cat
Staff Reports SalesReportForStaffCOPY.imr
Mgmt Reports SalesReportForMgmtCOPY.imr
Easy enough. The StaffUserClass can see the Staff Reports folder and run its report. The MgmtUserClass can see the Mgmt Reports folder and run its report. Only Administrator can see the SalesReportSet folder. When each user class runs its report in 6.0, they can either return to their original folder or proceed directly to their Inbox.
Now, fast forward to IWR 7.0 using shortcuts.
7.0 Folder Contains
SalesReportSet Sales.cat
Staff Reports SalesReportForStaffSHORTCUT.imr
Mgmt Reports SalesReportForMgmtSHORTCUT.imr
Reports are set to run and save automatically in the users newsbox. Again only RootUserClass can see the SalesReportSet folder, StaffUserClass the Staff Reports Folder, and MgmtUserClass the Mgmt Reports folder.
So, when a user runs the report, they respond to the report prompt as normal, are prompted where they want to save the report, AND THEN RETURNED TO THE SALESREPORTSET FOLDER!!!! Aggggh!!!! Why does a shortcut do this, that is, not return the user to the folder where the shortcut resides, but to the folder where the shortcut points to???? We need to have the users returned to the folder they ran the report from and NOT sent to the SalesReportSet folder where they can see the prompt report (which they normally wouldn't see) and confusingly, find themselves in a folder they've never seen before (remember, they ran the report using a shortcut from the Staff Reports folder).
I know this is a long post and there are two keys here, the use of shortcuts and the "Default run action" of the shortcuts source report to "Run report and then save the result as a new entry." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.