Question time again! This is more of a user friendly question.
Question is: How do i get word to fill in the bookmarks in the document, without having the need to move my userform.
When the user clicks create button, word blinks for a second and the user can se that things get created.
But for some reason when doing the complicated builds, nothing gets updated in the background.... UNTIL you move the userform then everything becomes visible.
How can i control this? I want everything to be updated at once, not after moving or clicking at the userform.
Question time again! This is more of a user friendly question.
Question is: How do i get word to fill in the bookmarks in the document, without having the need to move my userform.
When the user clicks create button, word blinks for a second and the user can se that things get created.
But for some reason when doing the complicated builds, nothing gets updated in the background.... UNTIL you move the userform then everything becomes visible.
How can i control this? I want everything to be updated at once, not after moving or clicking at the userform.