Below is the code i use to update a database within my site the fields on the for are UserID,Password,Email.
This works ok but I would like to update another database with just the UserID and Email.
The fields in the new database are called "Name" and "Email" and the table is called "Users" I would like to update Name with what is put in UserID and Email with what is put in Email.
Any help would be great.
Response.Buffer = true
dim cnn,rst
set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
cnn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};;DBQ=E:/site1/database.mdb;"
sqltext = "SELECT * FROM site1"
rst.Open sqltext,cnn,3,3
dim UserID,Password,Email
UserID = Request.Form("UserID"
Password = Request.Form("Password"
Email = Request.Form("Email"
rst("UserID" = UserID
rst("Password"= Password
rst("Email" = Email
This works ok but I would like to update another database with just the UserID and Email.
The fields in the new database are called "Name" and "Email" and the table is called "Users" I would like to update Name with what is put in UserID and Email with what is put in Email.
Any help would be great.
Response.Buffer = true
dim cnn,rst
set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
cnn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};;DBQ=E:/site1/database.mdb;"
sqltext = "SELECT * FROM site1"
rst.Open sqltext,cnn,3,3
dim UserID,Password,Email
UserID = Request.Form("UserID"
Password = Request.Form("Password"
Email = Request.Form("Email"
rst("UserID" = UserID
rst("Password"= Password
rst("Email" = Email