I would like to analyse my spending from the last few years and have downloaded the statements. I have added an extra field, Category which I want to update with code. There is a field, Detail of Operation that identifies each type of transaction giving detail of payment type, card, cheque, transaction date and benefactor. So if this field contains Tesco, I want to update Category field to Food, if the field contains EDF, update to Energy, etc. I know an update query could be used for each but is there a way to code this as I am sure it would be better
Thanks for your help
I would like to analyse my spending from the last few years and have downloaded the statements. I have added an extra field, Category which I want to update with code. There is a field, Detail of Operation that identifies each type of transaction giving detail of payment type, card, cheque, transaction date and benefactor. So if this field contains Tesco, I want to update Category field to Food, if the field contains EDF, update to Energy, etc. I know an update query could be used for each but is there a way to code this as I am sure it would be better
Thanks for your help