I am a new user of javascript, ASP, HTML with MS personal Web server and MS SQL 7.0. I wrote a form data validation function using javascript. It is used by a number of buttons on a form. In order for me to identify the calling origin, I like to update a hidden variable on the calling form. The following are the commands, and it is not working. I would appreicate your help.<br><br>CALLING FORM<br>============<br>...<br><input type="hidden" name="hiddenfield"><br><input type="button" name="cmdnew" value="New" onclick="validateform(thisform,"New"><br><input type="button" name="cmdfind" value="Find" onclick="validateform(thisform,"Find"> <br>...<br><br>FUNCTION<br>========<br>function validateform(thisform,thiscmd) {<br>...<br>document.thisform.hiddenfield.value = thiscmd<br>document.thisform.submit()<br>....<br>}<br><br><br><br><br><br>