Using the script below I create an editable datagrid. In edit mode all changes are successfully made to the dataset and are displayed on reloading page.
The problem occurs when I attempt to write changes back to the datasource using the update method on the last line of the subroutine Update_team:
oDataAdapter.Update(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
Now as I understand I can use the Fill method in order to refresh the dataset before using the update. No suprise that when I put this as first line in the sub update_team the changes are lost. This is the line I added:
oDataAdapter.Fill(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
I am doing something wrong but I cannot figure it out. The msdn pages have made it no clearer for me!
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
The problem occurs when I attempt to write changes back to the datasource using the update method on the last line of the subroutine Update_team:
oDataAdapter.Update(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
Now as I understand I can use the Fill method in order to refresh the dataset before using the update. No suprise that when I put this as first line in the sub update_team the changes are lost. This is the line I added:
oDataAdapter.Fill(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
I am doing something wrong but I cannot figure it out. The msdn pages have made it no clearer for me!
Public oConnect As New OleDbConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connString"))
Public oDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter("spTeamByMatchDataID", oConnect)
Public UpdateCMD As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UpdateTeamPlayer", oConnect)
Public InsertCMD As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("InsertTeamPlayer", oConnect)
Public DeleteCMD As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("DeleteTeamPlayer", oConnect)
Public PrimaryKeyColumns(0) As DataColumn
SUB Page_load
oDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
oDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ParamID", MatchDataID)
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = UpdateCMD
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand = InsertCMD
oDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = DeleteCMD
If Not Page.IsPostback Then
tpDataSet = Session("tpDataSet")
dtTeamPlayers = Session("dtTeamPlayers")
PrimaryKeyColumns(0)= dtTeamPlayers.Columns("TeamPlayerID")
dtTeamPlayers.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyColumns
End If
End Sub
Public sub BindData
tpDataSet = New Dataset()
oDataAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
Dim dtTeamPlayers As DataTable = new DataTable("tbTeamPlayer")
oDataAdapter.Fill(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
Dim PrimaryKeyColumns(0) As DataColumn
PrimaryKeyColumns(0)= dtTeamPlayers.Columns("TeamPlayerID")
dtTeamPlayers.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyColumns
dgr1.DataSource = tpDataSet.Tables("tbTeamPlayer")
Session("tpDataSet") = tpDataSet
Session("dtTeamPlayers") = tpDataSet.Tables("tbTeamPlayer")
End Sub
Sub Update_team
Dim CurrModRow As DataRow
Dim ModifiedRow() As DataRow = dtTeamPlayers.Select(Nothing,Nothing,DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent)
If Not (ModifiedRow.Length < 1 ) Then
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@TeamPlayerID", "TeamPlayerID")
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@PlayerID", "PlayerID")
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@TPositionID", "TPositionID")
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@PNumber", "PNumber")
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@MatchDataID", "MatchDataID")
oDataAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@Goals", "Goals")
End If
Dim CurrNewRow As DataRow
Dim NewRow() As DataRow = dtTeamPlayers.Select(Nothing,Nothing,DataViewRowState.Added)
If Not (NewRow.Length < 1 ) Then
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@TeamPlayerID", OleDbType.Integer, "TeamPlayerID")
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@PlayerID", OleDbType.Integer, "PlayerID")
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@TPositionID", OleDbType.Integer, "TPositionID")
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@PNumber", OleDbType.Integer, "PNumber")
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@MatchDataID", OleDbType.Integer, "MatchDataID")
oDataAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Goals", OleDbType.Integer, "Goals")
End If
Dim CurrDelRow As DataRow
Dim DeletedRow() As DataRow = dtTeamPlayers.Select(Nothing,Nothing,DataViewRowState.Deleted)
If Not (DeletedRow.Length < 1 ) Then
Dim oParam As OleDbParameter = oDataAdapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@TeamPlayerId", "TeamPlayerID")
oParam.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
End If
oDataAdapter.Update(tpDataSet, "tbTeamPlayer")
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks