Hi All,
Sorry, its me again, everytime I think I'm getting somehwhere, something else comes up and stumps me, I dont know why this is not working but any help would again, be very much appreciated.
Basically I have a routine that gets a direcory name, it then goes and gets all the file names from that directory and feeds them into a table, it then moves to the next directory and does the same, this process is repeated until there are no more directories. The actual process takes about 6 minutes or so to run through all the directories, so I would like to keep the user informed of the progress of the job by pasting in the directory name the procedure is working on in an unbound box called [Checker].
When the procedure runs, it puts the first directory in the unbound box and then it does not update again until the entire procedure has completed.
Any ideas, because Im completely confused.
My code is below
many thanks
Sorry, its me again, everytime I think I'm getting somehwhere, something else comes up and stumps me, I dont know why this is not working but any help would again, be very much appreciated.
Basically I have a routine that gets a direcory name, it then goes and gets all the file names from that directory and feeds them into a table, it then moves to the next directory and does the same, this process is repeated until there are no more directories. The actual process takes about 6 minutes or so to run through all the directories, so I would like to keep the user informed of the progress of the job by pasting in the directory name the procedure is working on in an unbound box called [Checker].
When the procedure runs, it puts the first directory in the unbound box and then it does not update again until the entire procedure has completed.
Any ideas, because Im completely confused.
My code is below
many thanks
Private Sub Command0_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DeleteIssues"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "Titles", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
While Not rst.EOF
Collection = rst![F1] ' Get record from table
[CHECKER].value = Collection ' Unbound box on form
Me.Repaint ' Tried using these to get the unbound box to update
Me.Refresh ' Tried using these to get the unbound box to update
Seldrv = Sysdrive & ":" & Sysdir & "Issues.txt"
Selbat = Sysdrive & ":" & Sysdir & "Issues.bat"
Issuedir = Sysdrive & ":" & Sysdir & Collection & "\*.cbr"
runstr = "Dir " & Chr$(34) & Issuedir & Chr$(34) & " /b > " & Chr$(34) & Seldrv & Chr$(34)
'write a batch job to get file names from a directory
Dim fso, myfile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject")
Set myfile = fso.CreateTextFile(Selbat, True)
myfile.writeline (runstr)
'Run the Batch file
adx = Shell(Selbat, vbMinimizedFocus)
'wait for a few seconds while the batch job finishes
Call sSleep(3000)
'Transfer the text from the text file to a table
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "Issues", Seldrv
rst.MoveNext ' repeat for the next directory
MsgBox "Procedure Complete"
End Sub