I have a view that I created a while back that pulls data from multiple tables and a few views. Some changes have been made to the underlying tables which required a change to my view. those changes did not work because SSMS did recognize some of the changes made to one of the underlying views. The view in question was pulling everything (select * from ...) from a table of the same name in another db, which had been updated with a new field, the table is fine. When I look at the design for the view that calls the changed table, I see the new field. However, when I select * from that view, the new field is not pulled. So, I ran sp_refreshview viewname, it said it ran fine, but the new field still did not show up in the view, even though I see it in design view. I finally chose alter view, made no changes, ran and saved it and now the new field is in the view. Can anybody explain to me why this might be? The issue is this change was made to a base table and now needs to be updated in about 30 satellite tables. I was hoping to just run the sp_refreshview within a script to refresh ALL of the views, but that does not seem to have actually worked. Am I missing something?