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Update with DataTable

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Jan 7, 2003

I obtained data from a remote database.
Two tables DEPT and EMP
I created a table within a dataset (now) as DTDEPT

I originally planned to use dataset with tow tables, but I was unable to
use a parent child relation as I was obtaining error after error so I went
to the DATAVIEW for the children of which seems to be workiing nicely.

However, once I have updated data locally I need to update the DB with the
changes. This...I do not know how to complete. I need to update both tables with

Remote Table - DEPT with Local Table - now.DTDept
Remote Table - EMP with Local Table - DTEmp

Note that my local changes with regards to DTEmp seem to stay as if I move through
the parent grid...dgMain the changes are still inplace with respect to child grid



Dim oOleDbConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim sConnString As String = _
"Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;" & _
"Data Source=Main;" & _
"User ID=scott;" & _
Dim ds = New DataSet
Dim deptRow As DataRow
Dim empRow As DataRow
Dim custOrderRel As DataRelation
Dim DTEmp As New DataTable("DTEmp")
Dim DTDept As DataTable
Dim now = New DataSet
Dim DV As New DataView
'Update Child data
Dim CrntRowInd As Integer
Dim ColEmpNo As String
Dim ColEmpNm As String
Dim emp2Row As DataRow
Dim strEMP, strDEPT, strDTEmp, strDTDept As String


oOleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnString)
If ConnectionState.Open Then
TextBox1.Text = "Connection is made to Main"
TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Green
TextBox1.Text = "Unable to make connection"
TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
Button2.Visible = True
Button2.Enabled = True

strDTEmp = "Select * from EMP"
strDTDept = "Select * from DEPT"

Dim daDTEmp = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strDTEmp, oOleDbConnection)
Dim daDTDept = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strDTDept, oOleDbConnection)

daDTEmp.Fill(DTEmp) 'with datatable be as new....
daDTDept.Fill(now, "DTDept")


End Sub

Button2_Click --populate dgMain with dataset table DTDept / title / colors

btnData.Visible = False
dgMain.SetDataBinding(now, "DTDept")
TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Violet
TextBox1.Text = "You are now working with local data."

dgMain.CaptionText = "DEPT table"
dgMain.CaptionForeColor = Color.Black
dgMain.CaptionBackColor = Color.LightBlue

dgDeptEmp.CaptionText = "EMP table"
dgDeptEmp.CaptionForeColor = Color.Black
dgDeptEmp.CaptionBackColor = Color.LightBlue

dgMain.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
dgMain.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red
dgDeptEmp.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red


dgMain_CurrentCellChanged - populate child grid based on DeptNo

Dim DeptNo As Integer
Dim john As String

DeptNo = dgMain.CurrentRowIndex
john = dgMain.Item(DeptNo, 0)

txtdgMain.Text = john
txtItem.Text = john

DV.Table = DTEmp
DV.RowFilter = "DEPTNO ='" & john & "'"

Dim row As DataRowView
Dim intCounter As Integer
For intCounter = 0 To DV.Count - 1
row = DV(intCounter)
'txtCount.Text = DV.Count.ToString 'count of child records


dgDeptEmp.DataSource = DV 'populate child datagrid
dgDeptEmp.BackColor = Color.LightBlue 'gives white / blue lines

End Sub

dgDeptEmp_CurrentCellChanged --ondgDeptEmp populate textboxes for editing

CrntRowInd = dgDeptEmp.CurrentRowIndex

ColEmpNo = dgDeptEmp.Item(CrntRowInd, 0)
ColEmpNm = dgDeptEmp.Item(CrntRowInd, 1)

txtEmpNo.Text = ColEmpNo 'this is instantiated on grid load
txtEmpNm.Text = ColEmpNm 'this is instantiated on grid load

End Sub


btn_Save_Locale_Change --update column value based on text box value

dgDeptEmp.Item(CrntRowInd, 1) = txtEmpNm.Text

ColEmpNm = dgDeptEmp.Item(CrntRowInd, 1)

txtEname_RO.Text = ColEmpNm 'this updates per change of txtEmpNm



okay...i was able to setup a datatable through a dataset...
yet i am unable to take the changes back to the database..
this is what i added....I am going to open up a separate item as I now need to find out how to update the database through the dataset


'daDTEmp.Fill(DTEmp) 'with datatable be as new....
daDTEmp.Fill(now, "EMP")
daDTDept.Fill(now, "DTDept")


DTEmp = now.Tables(0) ' set up datatable for dataview
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Part and Inventory Search

