I have a text box on a form that displays the total for all the other entries. I want it to update as soon as something is typed into any of the other text boxes. onChange seems to require that the text box loses focus before it is proccessed. Is there a way?
I'm not sure how you plan to know that the user is FINISHED typing in one of the text boxes unless they move the focus to another control. What if I typed in 12.35 and then hit backspace and changed the 5 to a 4?
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
I did the same thing. I used onKeyUp. Each time the user typed a number into a cell, the "totals" cell would display the result. So if I have two cells "10" and "5" the "totals" cell reads "15." If I click into the "5" cell and change it to "25" it calculates after I type the first number (2) and for an instant the "totals" cell reads "17" (15+2) then when I type "5" it reads "40" (15+25) This all happens very fast and works really well.
Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Kevin
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