I am trying to retro fit a foreign key into an exisisting table. I've created records in a table called wfa_log based on exisisting records in the wfa_header table. Now I am trying to place the wfa_log_id values into the wfa_header table. When I run the below query I get the following error message:
Any help would be great!
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.
Any help would be great!
begin tran
update wfa_header
set wfa_log_id = (select distinct z.wfa_log_id
from wfa_header x,
machine y,
wfa_log z
where x.prop_num_or_vendor_serial_num = y.sandia_prop_num
and y.machine_sk = z.machine_sk)
from (select distinct x.wfa_header_id
from wfa_header x,
machine y,
wfa_log z
where x.prop_num_or_vendor_serial_num = y.sandia_prop_num
and y.machine_sk = z.machine_sk) as t3
where wfa_header.wfa_header_id = t3.wfa_header_id
rollback tran