I have 2 tables: 1) sortedswitchtbl 2) NewCarrier
sortedswitchtbl has following fields
Carrier ID |Calling|Called|Date|Time|Duration|Charge|
Call Status|Amount|Match
NewCarrier has following fields
Call Ref|CalledNumber| Date|Time|Duration|Charge|TotalCost
Tables are joined with Called=CalledNumber
I want to find records in NewCarrier table(A) that does not have corresponding records in sortedswitchtbl (B)
If matching record is found in sortedswitchtbl, update Match field in sortedswitchtbl.
This is not working. It is inserting empty rows in sortedswitchtbl table.
Query is:
UPDATE NewCarrier LEFT JOIN sortedswitchtbl ON (NewCarrier.Time = sortedswitchtbl.Time) AND (NewCarrier.Date = sortedswitchtbl.Date) AND (NewCarrier.CalledNumber = sortedswitchtbl.Called) SET sortedswitchtbl.[Match] = [Match]*"2"
WHERE (((sortedswitchtbl.Called) Is Null));
sortedswitchtbl has following fields
Carrier ID |Calling|Called|Date|Time|Duration|Charge|
Call Status|Amount|Match
NewCarrier has following fields
Call Ref|CalledNumber| Date|Time|Duration|Charge|TotalCost
Tables are joined with Called=CalledNumber
I want to find records in NewCarrier table(A) that does not have corresponding records in sortedswitchtbl (B)
If matching record is found in sortedswitchtbl, update Match field in sortedswitchtbl.
This is not working. It is inserting empty rows in sortedswitchtbl table.
Query is:
UPDATE NewCarrier LEFT JOIN sortedswitchtbl ON (NewCarrier.Time = sortedswitchtbl.Time) AND (NewCarrier.Date = sortedswitchtbl.Date) AND (NewCarrier.CalledNumber = sortedswitchtbl.Called) SET sortedswitchtbl.[Match] = [Match]*"2"
WHERE (((sortedswitchtbl.Called) Is Null));