What is wrong with my update command?
Getting this error:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/myweb/Projectlist.asp, line 150
(Line 150 in bold below)
iRecordId = Request.Form("ID"
strSQL = "UPDATE Projects SET " _
& "JobNo = '" & Request.Form("JobNo" & "', " _
& "Title = " & Request.Form("Title" & ", " _
& "Description = '" & Request.Form("Description" & "', " _
& "WHERE (ID = " & iRecordId & ""
Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText or adExecuteNoRecords
Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
Tried removing adComdtext or adExecuteNoRecords and got just Syntax error, line 150
I really want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far.
Getting this error:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/myweb/Projectlist.asp, line 150
(Line 150 in bold below)
iRecordId = Request.Form("ID"
strSQL = "UPDATE Projects SET " _
& "JobNo = '" & Request.Form("JobNo" & "', " _
& "Title = " & Request.Form("Title" & ", " _
& "Description = '" & Request.Form("Description" & "', " _
& "WHERE (ID = " & iRecordId & ""
Set cnnDBEdit = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
cnnDBEdit.Execute strSQL, adAffectAll, adCmdText or adExecuteNoRecords
Set cnnDBEdit = Nothing
Tried removing adComdtext or adExecuteNoRecords and got just Syntax error, line 150
I really want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far.