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Update DB through Dataset...

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Jan 7, 2003
I have a dataset that I populate from a DB and then modify the local data. How do I take these changes back to the database?

refere to pull data sub() for data loading...

this the update I tried
Private Sub Update_DB()

oOleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CONN)
If ConnectionState.Open Then
TextBox1.Text = "Connection is made to Main"
TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Blue
TextBox1.Text = "Unable to make connection"
TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
daDTEmp.Update(now, 0)

END SUB 'Update_DB
i receive:
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Note, after I make a change to a column in the table a have a button that looks at the particular column to assure that the column was update...so I know I am updating the local data..

pull data sub()

strDTEmp = "Select * from EMP"
strDTDept = "Select * from DEPT"

Dim daDTEmp = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strDTEmp, CONN)
Dim daDTDept = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strDTDept, CONN)

daDTEmp.Fill(now, "EMP")
daDTDept.Fill(now, "DTDept")


DTEmp = now.Tables(0) ' set up datatable for dataview

end sub 'pull data

I got this to work so far....but not exactly what I am looking for....is there a way to update the table based on whether something has changed in the dataset...in this way I would only be updating db where i made changes...

Not sure how to do this with the UPDATE statement as I want the changes to go over...

Dim up As String = "Update EMP set ENAME = 'MIKE'"

Dim daDTEmp = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter

daDTEmp.UpdateCommand = New OleDbCommand(up, oOleDbConnection)

daDTEmp.Update(now, "EMP")
I wouldn't use the command builder supplied with VB.Net I would create a sub that has an insert,update, and delete commands. Check out this post from before that i helped somebody with this same issue thread796-919791. Your dataset will mark any rows that are Modified,Inserted, or Updated. If you are continually working with the dataset i would suggest not saving changes until your done editing records, so that the whole dataset is pushed to the DB all at once which will also allow you to use a rollback if any row fails.

Did you check out my post and did it work for you, i think you should at least give some feedback.
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