I am wrapping up an assignment and it is probable that the SQL Backend will be rehomed. Access 2003 MDB and SQL 2008...
I was chugging along when my code didn't compile and I found out that the connection string of a querydef object is read only therefore there is no refreshlinks method like tabledefs.
I think my workaround is to replace each effected SPT query by deleting the old one and creating a new one... Outside of Name, Connect and SQL properties is there any other property I should be on the lookout for?
For what it's worth my work in process... obviously I haven't touched the querydef piece for real.
I was chugging along when my code didn't compile and I found out that the connection string of a querydef object is read only therefore there is no refreshlinks method like tabledefs.
I think my workaround is to replace each effected SPT query by deleting the old one and creating a new one... Outside of Name, Connect and SQL properties is there any other property I should be on the lookout for?
For what it's worth my work in process... obviously I haven't touched the querydef piece for real.
Sub CorrectConnectConstant(strServer As String, strUser As String, strPassword As String)
Const SQLDbName As String = "<DB Name Goes Here>"
Const ConnectionDeclareConnection As String = "<Actual constant name goes here>"
Dim mdl As Module
Dim strConnect As String
Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef
Dim tbls As DAO.TableDefs
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qrys As DAO.QueryDefs
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef
Set mdl = Modules("bas Connecting String")
mdl.ReplaceLine 8, "Public Const " & ConnectionDeclareConnection & " As String = ""Provider=sqloledb;Data Source= " & strServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & SQLDbName & " ;User Id=" & strUser & ";Password=" & strPassword & ";"
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tbls = db.TableDefs
For Each tbl In tbls
If InStr(1, tbl.Connect, SQLDbName) <> 0 Then
tbl.Connect = ParameterCorrect(ParameterCorrect(ParameterCorrect(tbl.Connect, "Server=", strServer), "UID=", strUser), "PWD=", strPassword)
End If
Next tbl
Set tbl = Nothing
Set tbls = Nothing
Set qrys = db.QueryDefs
For Each qry In qrys
If InStr(1, qry.Connect, SQLDbName) <> 0 Then
'Oops for queries this is not updateable
'qry.Connect = ParameterCorrect(ParameterCorrect(ParameterCorrect(qry.Connect, "Server=", strServer), "UID=", strUser), "PWD=", strPassword)
End If
Next qry
Set qry = Nothing
Set qrys = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Function ParameterCorrect(strOrigConnect As String, strReplaceParameter, strReplaceValue) As String
Dim lngStartPos As Long
Dim lngEndingPos As Long
Dim strReplace As String
lngStartPos = InStr(1, strOrigConnect, strReplaceParameter)
lngEndingPos = InStr(lngStartPos, strOrigConnect, ";")
lngStartPos = lngStartPos + Len(strReplaceParameter) - 1
strReplace = Mid(strOrigConnect, lngStartPos, lngEndingPos - lngStartPos)
ParameterCorrect = Replace(strOrigConnect, strReplace, strReplaceValue)
End Function