I have a list of commands on a help page and new commands are constantly added. I want to put in a delete button so you can remove this file from the list..any ideas??
Not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you want JavaScript to write/update a file - which it cannot do. Consider using a server-side technology: ASP, PHP, Perl, ColdFusion, JSP, etc...
I am using ASP.
This is the page that goes on to open my list of server commands..(used a bit of VB script here too)
'*** create fso object
dim objFSO
set objFSO = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject"
'*** define the location of your homepage from here
'*** this will be used after updating or cancelling
dim stHomePage
strHomePage = "Template.html"
Dim commandFile
commandFile = "server_config.asp"
'*** get the name of this page (script) dynamically - you could specify this if you want
dim strScriptName
strScriptName = request.servervariables("script_name"
strScriptName = mid(strScriptName, instrrev(strScriptName, "/" + 1 )
'***--- if they've not submitted the Save form
if request.form("Save" = "" then
Dim Regex, title
Set Regex=New RegExp
Regex.Global = True
Regex.IgnoreCase = False
Regex.Multiline = True
'***---- if they're updating....
else if request.form("Save" <> "" then
'*** get the contents
dim strWriteContents
strWriteContents = request.form("pageHTML"
'*** page text isn't a requirement as we can sort out an error message to some extent in replace.
if strWriteContents = "" then
strWriteContents = "This page is currently un-available."
strWriteContents = strNewContent & vbCrLf & "<br><br>"
strWriteContents = strNewContent & vbCrLf & "We apologise for any inconvenience caused."
end if
Dim objMenuPage, i
objFile = Request.form("fileName"
if(objFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(objFile) ) )Then
strFileContents = strWriteContents
error = "The file "& objFile &" already exists. please specify a different file name"
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
'write the HTML page
objMenuPage.WriteLine"<html><head><title>" & Request.Form("pageTitle"& "</title></head><body>"
objMenuPage.WriteLine strWriteContents
objMenuPage.WriteLine "</body></html>"
'Add the link to the command file
Dim f,ts
set f = objFSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath(commandFile))
set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, -2)
'Write the link and specify how you want it to look. All "" in ther html code must be changed to ''
ts.write("<font size='3'><a href ='" & objFile &"'>" & objFile & "</a></font><br>"
end if
end if
End if
<title>Text Editor</title>
<script language="javascript">
function over(element) {
element.style.borderStyle= "solid";
element.style.borderWidth = "1px";
element.style.borderColor = "#000000";
element.style.backgroundColor = "#F1F1F1";
element.style.cursor = "hand";
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