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Update and Delete Data to and from the Sequel Server

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Dec 21, 2003
I have created a DataBase in Sequel Server Management Studio called Budget 2007. I have setup formats as:
StateCheck#1 Money
StateCheck#2 Money
Other Income1 Money
Other Income2 Money
Other Income3 Money
SSN Nchar(10)

I have created other formats for expense, whihc I have not indicated here, but are all Money Fields.

Please find VB Program below. This program runs but does not save or update anything to the Sequel Server each time I enter data in. What am I doing wrong? Data Entered in should save back to the Sequael Server Each time and allow updates, Deletes, and Changes too which I am not able to do. I can go directly into the Sequel Server management Studio and add records and they will come up when I go into Virtual Studio and pull up the Budget2007 Project.

Public Class frmMonthlyBudget

Private Sub IncomeBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles IncomeBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

End Sub

Private Sub frmMonthlyBudget_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Budget2007DataSet.Expense' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Budget2007DataSet.Income' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'This code computes Total Income for the Month'
txtTotalIncome.Text = CType(txtStateCheck1.Text, Double) + CType(txtStateCheck2.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtOtherIncome1.Text, Double) + CType(txtOtherIncome2.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtOtherIncome3.Text, Double)
'This code computes Total Expense for the Month'
txtTotalExpense.Text = CType(txtMortgage1.Text, Double) + CType(txtMortgage2.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtWellsFargo1.Text, Double) + CType(txtWellsFargo2.Text, Double) + CType(txtGroceries.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtMBNA.Text, Double) + CType(txtWaterBill.Text, Double) + CType(txtGasforCars.Text, Double) + _
CType(txtAlagasco.Text, Double) + CType(txtJuniper.Text, Double) + CType(txtElectricity.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtCable.Text, Double) + CType(txtStateFarm.Text, Double) + CType(txtAlfa1.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtAlfa2.Text, Double) + CType(txtOther1.Text, Double) + CType(txtOther2.Text, Double) _
+ CType(txtOther3.Text, Double) + CType(txtOther4.Text, Double) + CType(txtOther5.Text, Double)
'This Code Assigns Original Total Income to Another Field to be used in calculations'
txtTotalIncome1.Text = txtTotalIncome.Text
'This Code Assigns Original Total Expense to Another Field to be used in Calculationns'
txtTotalExpense1.Text = txtTotalExpense.Text
'This Code Computes the Total Balance Remaining in your Budget'
txtBalance.Text = txtTotalIncome1.Text - txtTotalExpense1.Text
'This Code Checks Whether you have exceeded your budget and gives Message'
If txtBalance.Text <= 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("You Have Exceeded Your Budget for the Month.", "BUDGET EXCEEDED")
MessageBox.Show("Please Review Your Figures and Try Again......", "TRY AGAIN PLEASE")

End If

End Sub
End Class
How are you connecting to the database?

"Bugs are good for building character in the user
EndEdit stops edit mode but doesn't commit changes.

Try using the AcceptChanges method instead and see if that works. EndEdit will be implied so you don't have to call it directly.

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Part and Inventory Search

