I am trying to update the user table while changing a password. The code is goes like this:
strSql = "UPDATE Users SET Users.[Password] = 'UCase(txtPwNew)' ," _
& " Users.Password_Chg_Date = date " _
& " WHERE (((Users.Password) = 'UCase (txtPwNew)') " _
& " AND ((Users.User_name) = 'txtUserName'));"
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strSql
But I am getting an error that says
"Too few parameters. expected 1."
Please help
Also, does the date function returns the current date?
I am trying to update the user table while changing a password. The code is goes like this:
strSql = "UPDATE Users SET Users.[Password] = 'UCase(txtPwNew)' ," _
& " Users.Password_Chg_Date = date " _
& " WHERE (((Users.Password) = 'UCase (txtPwNew)') " _
& " AND ((Users.User_name) = 'txtUserName'));"
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strSql
But I am getting an error that says
"Too few parameters. expected 1."
Please help
Also, does the date function returns the current date?