I had one of the strangest situation yesterday.
A user called me, and told me that he can't make sense of eight (8) messages on his voicemail.
All of those messages are from an anonymous caller. About 1 hour or so apart.
I can hear a man speaking with another person, but can't hear that other person.
I only have the last part of the message, sometimes the last 20 sec, sometime a whole minute. They all end with "Ok Bye".
My first toughts were :
1. It's a wrong conference call. But in that case I would hear both of them.
2. It's a butt-call. But in that case he wouldn't be speaking so clearly and the call wouldn't end with "Ok Bye".
What could that be ? Any ideas ? Is this problem could be related to IP Office ?
A user called me, and told me that he can't make sense of eight (8) messages on his voicemail.
All of those messages are from an anonymous caller. About 1 hour or so apart.
I can hear a man speaking with another person, but can't hear that other person.
I only have the last part of the message, sometimes the last 20 sec, sometime a whole minute. They all end with "Ok Bye".
My first toughts were :
1. It's a wrong conference call. But in that case I would hear both of them.
2. It's a butt-call. But in that case he wouldn't be speaking so clearly and the call wouldn't end with "Ok Bye".
What could that be ? Any ideas ? Is this problem could be related to IP Office ?