I lot of programs install a icon in the system tray, efax is one for example that does NOT have an option to remove the icon or to prevent the program from loading on startup. Does anyone know how to remove icons from the system tray?
If you do not want this program to run at startup goto:
START|RUN|type "MSCONFIG"|click on startup tab|uncheck the program|Apply|OK|Re-start|
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
One other thing to add, is make sure the program isn't in the STARTUP folder, goto START|PROGRAMS|STARTUP FOLDER, and delete the .lnk (shortcut) from the folder.
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!"
eFax.com Tray Menu (Hottray.exe) Launches the Efax Messenger software on startup and also creates a system tray icon with menu options. Efax Messenger is a program that lets you receive faxes and voicemail by email. Not required in startup.
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