Using Access 2002
Have a report based of a form and sub-form. The form is in the header of the report and the sub-form is in the group footer.
When printing, if all the data from the sub-form won’t fit on the same page as the main form, I get 1 page with just the form data with about 3/4 of the page blank and the next page will have the sub-form data on it.
The report is setup to print a new page on the change of each group.
If the sub-form data will fit on the same page as the form data, everything is alright.
How can we make the sub-form data print on the same page as the form data and overflow to page 2?
Have a report based of a form and sub-form. The form is in the header of the report and the sub-form is in the group footer.
When printing, if all the data from the sub-form won’t fit on the same page as the main form, I get 1 page with just the form data with about 3/4 of the page blank and the next page will have the sub-form data on it.
The report is setup to print a new page on the change of each group.
If the sub-form data will fit on the same page as the form data, everything is alright.
How can we make the sub-form data print on the same page as the form data and overflow to page 2?