I received a report from one of my users that a when they requested a single record delete from a multiple delete form (via checkboxes) ... it then deleted all their records!
I have tried to replicate this but i can't. I was once told that proxy servers can muck up transactions in this way.
Here is the delete command:
set comDeleteActivity = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
comDeleteActivity.ActiveConnection = MM_connNOF_Data_STRING
comDeleteActivity.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Activity_ID IN (" + Replace(varACT, "'", "''") + ")"
comDeleteActivity.CommandType = 1
comDeleteActivity.CommandTimeout = 0
comDeleteActivity.Prepared = true
Can I limit this transaction down better in some way.
"Away from the actual ... everything is virtual"
I have tried to replicate this but i can't. I was once told that proxy servers can muck up transactions in this way.
Here is the delete command:
set comDeleteActivity = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
comDeleteActivity.ActiveConnection = MM_connNOF_Data_STRING
comDeleteActivity.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Activity_ID IN (" + Replace(varACT, "'", "''") + ")"
comDeleteActivity.CommandType = 1
comDeleteActivity.CommandTimeout = 0
comDeleteActivity.Prepared = true
Can I limit this transaction down better in some way.
"Away from the actual ... everything is virtual"