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Unwanted Client Side Data Access

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Feb 22, 2002
The following code is a page that needs to get a recordset on its ononload event - therefore it is client side data access via SQL.

I need help with this script (to be applied to others where I must load up my user's Excel - also client side script). Either I have the Monday morning brainlessness problem and I need help getting the results of the data query to server side or I need to disable the annoying question that our users' must answer 'yes' to in order to see the results - following:

This page is trying to access a data source on another domain. Do you wish to allow this?

Here is my code:
<%Response.Buffer = true%>

Dim sLocation, sServer
sLocation = session(&quot;Location&quot;)
sServer = session(&quot;Server&quot;)

<BODY bottomMargin=1 leftMargin=1 topMargin=1 rightMargin=1 bgColor=steelblue>
	Sub window_onunload
		 Dim rstReport
		 Dim sLocConnection
		 Dim sUID, sPWD, Params
		 Dim cnn

		if document.All.location.value <> &quot;&quot; Then
			sServer = document.All.srv.value
			sLocation = document.All.loc.value

			 sUID = &quot;DCS&quot;
			 sPWD = &quot;DCSBTG&quot;
			 Params = document.All.Location.value
			sLocConnection = &quot;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;server=&quot; & sServer & &quot;;database=&quot; & sLocation & &quot;;uid=DCS;pwd=DCSBTG&quot;
			Set cnn = createObject(&quot;Adodb.connection&quot;)
			cnn.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
			cnn.CommandTimeout = 60
			cnn.Open sLocConnection
			Set rstReport = createobject(&quot;adodb.recordset&quot;)
			set rstReport = cnn.Execute(&quot;exec rpt_GetLineName2 &quot; & params)
			if not rstReport.EOF then document.All.LineName.value = rstReport.Fields(&quot;LineName&quot;)
			window.returnvalue = document.All.LineName.value
		end if
	end sub
Location Prefix: <INPUT style=&quot;WIDTH: 48px; HEIGHT: 22px&quot; size=6 id=Location>
<INPUT Type=Hidden style=&quot;WIDTH: 48px; HEIGHT: 22px&quot; size=6 id=LineName>
<INPUT type=Hidden id=Loc name=Loc value=<%=sLocation%>>
<INPUT type=Hidden id=Srv name=Srv value=<%=sServer%>>


<center><INPUT type=button value=&quot;OK&quot; onClick=window.close id=button1 name=button1></center>
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Part and Inventory Search

