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unused inputs.

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Technical User
Feb 14, 2009
hi all,

its my first post on this forum so if this is posted in the wrong section plz let me know. Now to ask my question.
I created this piece of code that is supposed to be a digital dice. I can make it work with 1 7-seg but not with 2.
I think i have found the correct way to program it, when i try and build he dousnt add 2 inputs(S1 and S2). I get a warning that they are unused. I'll post the code below so u guys could help me out a bit.

library IEEE;

---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity dobbelsteen is
port(	clock	:	in std_logic;
		S1		:	in std_logic;
		S2		:  in std_logic;
		aan 	:  in std_logic;
		enable:	out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		leds 	:	out std_logic_vector(1 to 7)
end dobbelsteen;

architecture Behavioral of dobbelsteen is

signal teller : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0001";
signal clk : std_logic;
signal dummy : std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
signal aan2 : std_logic;

if clock'event and clock ='1' then
	dummy <= dummy+1;
end if;
end process;
	clk <= dummy(22);
process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
	if aan = '1' and aan2 = '1' then
		teller <= teller+1;				-- zorgt ervoor dat er een 0 staat wanneer 
		if teller > "0110" then			-- de dobbelsteen aan het draaien is.
			teller <= "0001";
			end if;
			end if;
if S1 = '1' then
			aan2 <= '1';
			enable(0) <= '0';
			enable(1) <= '1';
			enable(2) <= '1';
			enable(3) <= '1';
if S1 = '0' then
			aan2 <= '0';
if S2 = '1' then
		aan2 <= '1';
		enable(0) <= '1';
		enable(1) <= '0';
		enable(2) <= '1';
		enable(3) <= '1';
if S2 = '0' then
		aan2 <= '0';

end if;
end if;
end if;
end if ;
end if;
end process;

process (teller)	
		case teller is      --        abcdefg
			WHEN  "0001"  => leds <=   "1001111"; --"0110000"
			WHEN  "0010"  => leds <=   "0010010"; --"1101101"
			WHEN  "0011"  => leds <=   "0000110"; --"1111001"
			WHEN  "0100"  => leds <=   "1001100"; --"0110011"
			WHEN  "0101"  => leds <=   "0100100"; --"1011011"
			WHEN  "0110"  => leds <=   "0100000"; --"1011111"
			WHEN OTHERs   => leds <=   "1111111"; --"0000000"
		end case;
	end process;
end Behavioral;
Hi Faitie,

The problem lies in you IF statement.

It's important to use the right TAB settings in you editor, then you would see the error easily. I'll show you:

      if S1 = '1' then
        aan2 <= '1';
        enable(0) <= '0';
        enable(1) <= '1';
        enable(2) <= '1';
        enable(3) <= '1';
        if S1 = '0' then
          aan2 <= '0';
          if S2 = '1' then
            aan2 <= '1';
            enable(0) <= '1';
            enable(1) <= '0';
            enable(2) <= '1';
            enable(3) <= '1';
            if S2 = '0' then
              aan2 <= '0';
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if ;

No you can easily see that some parts of your code will never be reached. S1 can't be '0' and '1' at the same time!

I think you mean something like this:
      if S1 = '1' then
        aan2 <= '1';
        enable(0) <= '0';
        enable(1) <= '1';
        enable(2) <= '1';
        enable(3) <= '1';
        if S2 = '1' then
          aan2 <= '1';
          enable(0) <= '1';
          enable(1) <= '0';
          enable(2) <= '1';
          enable(3) <= '1';
          aan2 <= '0';  
        end if;
      end if ;

You can rewrite the code to:
      if S1 = '1' then
        enable(0) <= '0';
        enable(1) <= '1';
        enable(2) <= '1';
        enable(3) <= '1';
      elsif S2 = '1' then
        enable(0) <= '1';
        enable(1) <= '0';
        enable(2) <= '1';
        enable(3) <= '1';
        -- Always describe signals in the else statement
        enable(0) <= ?
        enable(1) <= ?
        enable(2) <= ?
        enable(3) <= ?
      end if ;
      aan2 <= ( S1 OR S2 );

It's also important to describe the else statement too. In this case, you need to assign the enable signal in the else case.

Hope this helps, good luck!
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