I have a Wall Street PowerBook 266 running OS 9.2/X.1, Toast 5 Tn, OrangeMicro's OrangeLink PCCard-to-FireWire adapter, and the QPS Que!Fire external FireWire CDRW drive. Two problems I have with CDRW made with this setup is that the finished CDRW is normally not visible to the OS. I usually have to do a reboot after burning a CDRW, then the CDRW would appear on the Mac desktop. A lot of times, multiple CDRW icons would appear. I really mean multiple, as in 30 or so. I always use Write Disc instead of Write Session in Toast so I know this is not a problem related to multi-session CDRW. I can select each of the 30+ CDRW icons and eject but a quick way is to eject the CDRW via Toast. However, then Toast would crash! I have no problem writing to the CDRW but it's the finished product that's troubleshome. Any suggestions?