I have a table that has 3 fields. This table lists the combinations of earning codes/depat/phases that are correct for payroll. I need a form, query or report that will match this table with the transactions table to make sure that a data entry person has not input the combinations incorrectly....So what I am asking it to do is to link these three fields in each table to look for a match.
The psuedo code would be something like this
loop each record to verify match.
If transaction.dept <> a dept record in the static table then do nothing and look at next record,
then look at the next field which is phase and see if the dept and phase combo do not match....if they don't add the whole record from the transaction table to a results list
if the combo dept and phase match, then look at the earnings code, if they don't match a record combo in the static table, the entire transaction record to a resulsts list.....
Show the results lists in a form or query
end process
I hope someone can help me with this.
The psuedo code would be something like this
loop each record to verify match.
If transaction.dept <> a dept record in the static table then do nothing and look at next record,
then look at the next field which is phase and see if the dept and phase combo do not match....if they don't add the whole record from the transaction table to a results list
if the combo dept and phase match, then look at the earnings code, if they don't match a record combo in the static table, the entire transaction record to a resulsts list.....
Show the results lists in a form or query
end process
I hope someone can help me with this.