i am trying to create a shutdown procedure for my groupwise server (on nw 4.11) to shutdown all services when the server goes on battery backup.
i need to run a shutdown command file for groupwise (ver 5.2.6). i am currently stuck on the command syntax for the gwia shutdown.
if i run the following from the console "unload gwia"; the console returns "use the Gwia module screen and hit F7 to shutdown".
there has to be an easy way to shutdown gwia from a command line.
i've tried unload gwia /shutdown
unload gwia /force
unload gwia /stop
nuttin seems to work
pls help - sheb
i need to run a shutdown command file for groupwise (ver 5.2.6). i am currently stuck on the command syntax for the gwia shutdown.
if i run the following from the console "unload gwia"; the console returns "use the Gwia module screen and hit F7 to shutdown".
there has to be an easy way to shutdown gwia from a command line.
i've tried unload gwia /shutdown
unload gwia /force
unload gwia /stop
nuttin seems to work
pls help - sheb